- Members considered a paper presenting an empirical framework for assessing monetary and financial conditions in Mainland China by estimating a monetary conditions index. 委员会成员审阅一份根据估算的货币状况指数来评估中国内地货币与金融状况的实证架构文件。
- Financial Conditions Indices 金融形势指数FCI
- Its financial condition was wretched. 它的财政状况很糟糕。
- His family financial condition wasn't very good. 家里环境并不是很好。
- Analysis of operational and financial condition. 分析运营和财务状况。
- All in all, their financial condition is not bad. 总体说来,他们的经济状况并不坏。
- financial condition Index 金融状况指数FCI
- Examining the significance of seasonal effects on monetary statistics. A Monetary Conditions Index for Hong Kong. 香港货币统计数字的季节性调整研究季节性效应对货币统计数字的影响。
- For more information on ICDs, see the Diseases and Conditions Index article on Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator. 更多关于ICD的细节,可以参看疾病与症状索引的植入性心律转复除颤器 部分。
- They provide their banks with financial statements from which it is relatively easy to determine their financial conditions. 银行根据它们提供的财务报表,可以比较容易地确定它们的财务状况。
- Are you satisfied with your financial conditions 0 indicates most unsatisfied, 10 indicates most satisfied. 请问你对你的经济状况是否满意0分代表十分不满意,10分代表十分满意。
- Financial conditions, construction works and production capacities promoted the rapid grow of settlement Vostok. 其资金充沛,固定资产建设及生产能力状况优良,使沃斯图克钨矿得到了迅速发展。
- The 2Q Tankan survey from the BoJ showed that the headline business conditions index for large manufacturers rose one point to 21 in June in line with consensus. 日本央行第二季短观调查结果显示,6月份大型制造商标题营商信心指数上升1点至21点,符合一般预期。
- In Hong Kong, financial conditions had improved with the end of the SARS episode, and merchandise exports had continued to perform strongly. 香港方面,金融状况随非典型肺炎事件结束而告好转,商品出口亦继续表现强劲。
- In brief, we have selected the optimal solutions for you - solutions you could not obtain under financial conditions such as ours. 总之,我们已经为您选择了最佳的解决方案,我们的服务绝对物超所值。
- Herein, especially by Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation (FCE), the thesis makes further particular analysis of SDXY's financial conditions. 其中特别运用模糊综合评价法(FCE法)对企业人力资源状况进行分析。
- Some developing countries are now suffering from deteriorating economic and financial conditions and increased social and political turmoil. 当前,一些发展中国家经济金融形势恶化,社会政治动荡加剧,值得我们高度重视。
- Were you brought down by the overestimation of your financial conditions and could not repay your previous loans well in time? 盛世金融投资担保公司是一家拥有雄厚资金实力及众多项目的专业投资咨询公司,我公司以担保和投资为手段,通过中国建设银行管理发放,面向全国范围提供低息免担保、免抵押贷款。
- A sound corporate governance is necessary to a healthy financial condition. 摘要良好的公司治理结构是保持公司财务健康的必要条件。
- They therefore observed that the MCI should be viewed exclusively as an indicator of monetary and financial conditions, rather than a measure of monetary policy stance. 因此,委员会成员留意到货币状况指数只应作为货币与金融状况指标,而不应用作评估货币政策立场。