- Effect of plastic film mulching on crop yield and nitrogen efficiency in semiarid areas. 半干旱地区地膜覆盖对作物产量和氮效率的影响。
- The difference of yield with two film mulching treatments was significant(P<0.05). 垄覆膜条件下;聚土使小南瓜产量差异达显著水平(P<0.;05)。
- The difference of yield and output value between silver gray film and cornon film mulching was significant. 银灰膜覆盖与普通膜覆盖相比,烟株产量、产值差异达显著水平。
- The increasing in grain yield was about 10.3%, 8.9%, 23.2%respectively as compared with the plastic film mulch, the straw mulch and the unmulched cultivatiom. 稻谷产量较地膜覆盖、秸秆覆盖、露地旱作栽培分别增产10.;3%25;8
- The yield, water use efficiency, dry weight, soluble protein and sugar of radish under plastic film mulching with different culture ways were studied. 摘要采用小区试验的方法研究地膜覆盖平作和高畦作方式下萝卜产量、水分利用效率、干物质、可溶性糖和蛋白质积累。
- Therefore,the yield product was markedly increased by using salt-tolerant wheat cultivar and plastic film mulching cultivation in saline soils. 利用耐盐小麦品种进行覆膜穴播显著提高盐碱地小麦产量。
- Plastic film mulching markedly increased biomass per a plant,flag leaf area,tillers per unit soil area,grains per ear and 1 000-grain weight. 覆膜显著增加单株生物量、旗叶面积、亩穗数、穗粒数和千粒重。
- Underground water quality in rice field under plastic film mulching cultivation was monitored during rice growth period. 对水稻覆膜旱作条件下稻田地下水水质变化作了动态检测。
- The integrated effects exhibited grass mulching> plastic film mulching > shallow scarification > soil surface scarification > the control. 综合各种效应,不同处理优劣顺序为覆草>盖膜>浅松土>表层松土>对照。
- There is a technology by the name of Imperforate Film Mulching Method for Crop Planting, simply as 'New Film Method', which can save arable land from white pollution. 有一技术“地膜覆盖无孔种植法”,简称[新膜法],可免除耕地的白色污染。
- In contrast, the imperforate film mulching method is a way to cover the topsoil with the film fixed by compacted soil on its ends when the crop is planted beside the film. 地膜覆盖无孔种植法,用地膜平铺于表土,边沿用土压紧封闭,将庄稼种在地膜旁边,膜下土壤中的水分和热量不易散失,却容易吸收外界水分,因此,庄稼增产不比传统覆盖法少。
- The results also showed that plastic film mulching increased N accumulation from reviving stage to harvesting stage and N translocation during reproductive stage. 覆膜亦能显著增加冬小麦各生育期氮素的积累,提高氮素转移量;
- However, no significant difference was found as to the uptake and distribution of Fe in potato with film mulch and potash fertilizer. 钾肥在成熟期之前的一段时间内能在一定程度增大铁在块茎中的分布,但是此二因素对马铃薯体内铁的影响作用均未达到一定的显著水平。
- The research and extension of the technology come over the preserve area of the close planting crops film mulching, It is a important revolution in the history of wheat cultivate. 该项技术的研究与推广,打破了密植作物难以覆盖的禁区,是小麦栽培史上一次突破性的革命。
- In maize rhisophere, maize root reduced the percentage of antibacterial and antifungal by 59.7% and 45.2% compared with maize bulk soil under plastic film mulching. 覆膜处理中,玉米根系可使抗细菌、抗真菌拮抗菌比率较根外分别降低59.;7%25、45
- In Yongzhou of Hunan, with fixed position plot trials, straw mulching, film mulching, no mulching and no returning had beep compared for series three years. 摘要在湖南永州对稻草翻压、稻草覆盖、地膜覆盖、不还田不覆盖进行了连续3年定位试验。
- Film mulch decreased Fe distribution in the leave of potato and increased that in the stem and tuber, and thus increased Fe uptake and accumulation in the tuber. 而铁素在马铃薯体内的分布情况表现为:前4个时期在各个器官中分布的顺序为叶>茎>块茎,到成熟期表现为茎>叶>块茎。
- Liquid film mulching improved physical and chemical properties of soil. Liquid film was a kind of polymer mixture. It combined with soil particles and formed a black solidified membrane on the soil surface after adding water and spraying on the soil. 2 液体地膜覆盖改良土壤理化性状 液体地膜是高分子混合物,兑水喷施于土壤表面后,这些高分子与土壤颗粒相结合,在土壤表层形成一层黑色的固化膜。
- In the trial,the methods of film mulching over furrow and increasing surface soil thickness to 40 cm may be used as a planting mode for effective dryland production,and reached 8 277.8 kg/hm2. 因此;沟膜+聚40 cm厚度熟土处理;可作为该区旱作高效种植模式;能获得8 277.;8 kg/hm2的较高产量。
- That was infinitely better than his last film. 这比他上一部电影不知胜过多少倍。