- Fiduciary duty mode 代建制
- In common law, such duty is called "fiduciary duty". 在英美法上,这种义务称作信义义务(fiduciary duty)。
- Don't they have the fiduciary duty of professional handler? 他们没有职业经理人的信托责任吗?
- A company director owes a fiduciary duty to the company. 公司董事对公司负有受托人责任。
- It's important to remember that you have a fiduciary duty. 记住你有一个受到信赖的责任是非常重要的。
- A company director owes a fiduciary duty to the company . 公司的董事对公司负有信托责任。
- Federal and state politicians make efforts to impose a fiduciary duty on them. 政治家们努力把住手职责强加于他们。
- Morgan on Monday, alleging that Bear's board breached its fiduciary duty by accepting a low-ball bid for the firm. 该基金指控贝尔斯登董事会违反受信责任,接受了摩根大通虚报的低价。
- Intent on shedding some light on the framework of fiduciary duty, this paper focuses on director's civil liabilities arising from corporate illegality. 本文对于公司不法行为中董事责任的探讨,希望能对受讬义务体系的厘清,有所助益。
- The author brings forward some tentative viewpoints about how our country introduces this system of the banks' fiduciary duty to the clients. 笔者对我国如何引入商业银行对客户的信托义务这一制度提出了一些初步的想法。
- Corporate governance principles and the board's fiduciary duties. 企业管治功能及受信职责。
- So duty already manages the person if once lack fiduciary duty, if be informed against or be being arrested, that consequence is very serious, want to be imprisoned. 所以职业经理人假如一旦缺乏信托责任,被举报或者逮捕的话,那后果是很严重的,要坐牢。
- So these companies are in the United States and similar country are law-abiding, and same inheritance is worn the social responsibility in the past, fiduciary duty. 所以这些公司在美国和类似的国家都奉公守法,而且一样传承着过去的社会责任、信托责任。
- That would restrict their flexibility to deal in shares at the drop of a hat, which would breach their “fiduciary duty” to achieve maximum returns for their investors. 这将限制他们随时买卖股票的灵活性,从而违背它们为投资者谋求最大回报的“受托责任”。
- In China,however,the controlling stockholders (major stockholders) often departure their fiduciary duty to minority stockholders and take advantage of the controlling over the list companies to aggrieve the benefits of minority stockholders. 我国上市公司控股股东利用对公司的控制 ,违背对中小股东的诚信责任 ,侵害中小股东利益的事件时有发生。
- We consider it the fiduciary duty of licensed banks to conduct their business in a manner that does not undermine the general stability and effective working of the banking system. 我们认为持牌银行要履行这个责任,应以不危害银行体系整体稳定及健全运作的方式来经营业务。
- SCBTWL has no fiduciary duty towards you, and assumes no responsibility to advise on, and makes no representation as to the appropriateness or possible consequences of, the prospective transaction. 渣打银行不对台端负忠诚义务,且不对所预期交易之合适性或可能之结果负建议或声明之责。
- Furthermore, as an internal fiduciary duty, budgeting can effectively resolve the conflict of interests between the client and the agent due to the separation of the owner and the management in the corporation. 同时,预算管理作为企业内部的一种契约机制,还能有效地解决由于所有权与控制权分离所引起的委托人与代理人之间的利益冲突。
- An investment adviser, who provides investment advice and recommendations which a client relies on, owes a fiduciary duty - a highest standard of care -- to the client and must be registered with OSC. 向客户提供投资建议的投资顾问对客户拥有最高标准的信托责任,因此,该顾问必须向安省证券委员会注册。
- Accordingly, this chapter states trust, fiduciary relation, and director's fiduciary duty in turn.Finally, we discuss whether we have any explicit statutes of the director's fiduciary duty in Taiwan. 本章即依序介绍信讬、信讬关系、董事信讬义务,并于本章末节探讨我国有无董事信讬义务之明文规定。