- Ficus erecta Thunb. [医] 天仙果
- There are several sets of the rich villas, there are several luxury coach, there are hundreds of servants and twenty-Maoruo Ficus erecta lover. 这个富翁有好几套别墅,有好几辆名贵马车,还有上百个仆人和一二十个貌若天仙的情人。
- An overview using stereomicroseopy and scanning electron microscopy is given of the morphology of the syconia of Ficus erecta var. beecheyana, 1 of the common dioecious fig species in Taiwan. 摘要本篇论文以解剖显微镜及扫描式电子显微镜观察台湾常见雌雄异株牛奶榕的榕果形态变化。
- Ficus erecta var. beecheyana [fairy fig] 天仙果
- Ficus erectan. 矮小天仙果
- Cynoglossum zeylanicum(Vahl)Thunb. 大琉璃叶
- The town will erecta monument to its war heroes. 该镇将建立一座纪念碑以纪念其战斗英雄。
- Biological characteristics of Rosa Rugosa Thunb. 珲春野玫瑰的生物学特性。
- Biological study on Iris ensata Thunb. 玉蝉花生物学研究。
- Sepala 4, erecta,extus velutina. 萼片4,直立,外面被短柔毛。
- Advance in study on Solanum lyratum Thunb. 白毛藤的研究进展。
- Review and Research Development of Ficus pumila L. 薜荔概述及研究进展。
- Cayratia japonica ( Thunb ) Gagne . 乌蔹莓
- Refined Polygonum multiflorum thunb. 制首乌
- Studies on the chemical constituents of Tagetes erecta L. 万寿菊花的化学成分研究。
- Ficus stipulata Thunb. [医] 薜荔
- Fine Variety Breeding Techniques of Tagetes erecta L. 万寿菊良种繁育技术。
- Chemical constituents from the flowers of Tagetes erecta L. 万寿菊花的化学成分。
- Tissue Culture and Rapid Propagation of Ficus religiosa L. 菩提树的组织培养及快速繁殖。
- Chemical Constituents of Roots of Ranunculus ternatus Thunb. 猫爪草中化学成分的研究。