- Public opinion was against the old feudal system. 公众舆论反对旧的封建制度。
- The feudal system slowly fell into decay, ie stopped working. 封建制度在缓慢地衰亡.
- The feudal system slowly fell into decay,ie stopped working. 封建制度在缓慢地衰亡.
- The feudal system lasted for two thousand years in China. 封建制度在中国延续了两千年之久。
- Under William, the feudal system in England was completely established. 在威廉统治之下,英格兰的封建制度得到完全确立。
- Through 28 years of new-democratic revolution we succeeded in overthrowing once for all the reactionary feudal regime and the feudal system of landownership. 我们进行了二十八年的新民主主义革命,推翻封建主义的反动统治和封建土地所有制,是成功的,彻底的。
- The vikings were given a part of the territory( today's Normandy) in911 and melted fast in the Feudal system. 在911年,北欧海盗获得了一部分土地(天的诺曼底)很快就融进在封建社会体制中。
- The correct line should be to rely on poor peasants and farm laborers and firmly unite with middle peasants, so as to abolish the feudal system. 正确的路线应该是依靠贫雇农,巩固地联合中农,消灭封建制度。
- What four things did the lord provide or do for his vassel under the feudal system? 在封建制度之下,是哪四个事情国王供应或者是要作给他的臣子的?
- The city of Amiens was a commune, a status conveying municipal independence under the feudal system. 城市亚眠是一个公社,一个情形传达市政的地方的独立在封建制度时期。
- Most Sinologist think that there is a feudal system, aristocracy, is China's medieval period. 多数汉学家认为这一段存在着封建制、贵族政治,是中国的中世纪时期。
- The correct line should be to rely on poor peasants and farm laborers and firmly unite with middle peasants,so as to abolish the feudal system. 正确的路线应该是依靠贫雇农,巩固地联合中农,消灭封建制度。
- Article 16. Both sides affirm that the feudal system of landownership in the rural areas of China shall be reformed step by step. 第十六款:双方确认,全中国农村中的封建的土地所有权制度,应有步骤地实行改革。
- The English Civil War not only overthrew feudal system in England but also shocked the foundation of the feudal rule in Europe. 英国内战不仅推翻叻英国的封建制度,而且动摇叻欧洲封建统治的基础。
- The feudal system of industry, under which industrial production was monopolised by closed guilds, now no longer sufficed for the growing wants of the new markets. 以前那种封建的或行会的工业经营方式已经不能满足随着新市场的出现而增加的需求了。
- The common law governing property interests in land was developed after the Norman Conquest upon the base of the feudal system. 普通法中有关土地财产权的部分,是在诺曼征服之后,在封建制基础上发展起来的。
- Commercial and financial transactions had once again started to become more complex as Europe emerged from the feudal system of the Middle ages. 当欧洲从中世纪封建制度的禁锢中挣脱出来时,商业和金融交易再一次开始变得复杂起来了。
- Commercial and finacial transactions had once again started to become more complex as Europe emerged from the feudal system of the Middle Ages. 当欧洲从中世纪封建制度的禁锢中挣脱出来时,商业和金融交易再一次开始变得复杂起来了。
- The Pronoia are provincial soldiers who provide military service in exchange for land grants in manner much like the European Feudal system. 素质:高级类型:地方兵种与欧洲封邑制度类似,这些本地战士从军作战,期冀累计军功获得封邑-普罗尼埃。
- The person associated constitution in the middle Ages was established during the foundation of the feudal system of manors. 中世纪的西欧在建立采邑制的过程中确立了个人联合的政体形式。