- Fernand Arnout 阿尔努
- "What would you have me do?" said Fernand. “你叫我怎么办”弗尔南多说。
- Fernand dashed his on the ground. 弗尔南多则把酒杯掉在了地上,杯子碎了。
- Look, Fernand, your eyes are better than mine. 看弗尔南多!你的眼睛比我好使。
- "It drives me to despair," said Fernand. “它使人失望。”弗尔南多说。
- "Pen, ink, and paper, then," called Fernand loudly. “把笔墨纸张拿来!”弗尔南多大声喊道。
- "Pen, ink, and paper," muttered Fernand. “笔墨纸张?”弗尔南多咕哝的说。
- "Do you invent, then," said Fernand impatiently. “那么你有主意了吗?” 弗尔南多不耐烦地说。
- Fernand sat looking down at the ground. 费尔南德坐下来,看着地上。
- "She turned with a gentle look to Fernand. 她伸出双臂朝向窗外的他。
- Fernand smiled piteously. "A lover is never terrible," he said. 弗尔南多凄然微笑了一下,“一个情人是永远不会使人害怕的!”他说。
- Danglars did not lose one pang that Fernand endured. 腾格拉尔当然不会放过让弗尔南多更加痛苦的机会。
- No,Fernand,you will not thus give way to evil thoughts. 不,弗尔南多,你决不能有这种坏念头。
- Caderousse looked full at Fernand--he was ghastly pale. 卡德鲁斯凝视着弗尔南多,弗尔南多的脸色白的象一张纸。
- No, Fernand, you will not thus give way to evil thoughts. 不,弗尔南多,你决不能有这种坏念头。
- Then Edmond saw the face of Fernand in the shadow, white and angry. 然后,爱德蒙在阴暗处,看到了富南克惨白又愤怒的脸孔。
- "Poor Fernand has been dismissed," continued Caderousse. “可怜的弗尔南多,竟然被人家姑娘给拒绝了。”卡德鲁斯补充说。
- "Ah, you are there," said she, at length, turning towards Fernand. “啊,你在这儿,”她终于意识到了他的存在。
- Fernand looked at them both with a stupefied air,but did not say a word. 弗尔南多带着一种恍恍惚惚的眼神望着他们,什么也没说。
- Fernand,you are wicked to call to your aid jealousy and the anger of God! 弗尔南多,你祈求上帝降怒来帮助你泄私愤真是太卑鄙了!