- Taiyuan, Shanxi province, a region located in the county seat Fenhe upstream, the river from west to east, as detailed topographical map. 山西太原地区某县城位于汾河上游,该河走向自西向东,详见地形图。
- The Frequency Analysis on River Regime Characteristic Curves of Fenhe Upstream Reach 汾河上游河段河势特征曲线的频率分析
- The falls upstream are full of salmon. 该瀑布上流有许多大麻哈鱼。
- Fenhe upstream 汾河上游
- We paddled (the canoe) slowly upstream. 我们慢慢地划著(独木舟)逆流而上。
- There is waterfall at this upstream of bridge. 在这座桥的上游有条瀑布。
- The salmon are running upstream. 鲑鱼正在向上游洄游。
- Fenhe passing through from north to south. 汾河由北向南穿境而过。
- Open the upstream slowly and fill the valve. 慢慢开启上游并向阀门注水。
- Based on analyzing the present situation of the water environment of Fenhe River's upstream, this paper puts forward the corresponding treatment measures and management mode. 在分析汾河上游水环境现状的基础上,提出了相应的治理措施和管理模式。
- The nearest town is about ten miles upstream. 最近的城镇大约在沿河向上十英里处。
- A trout took the fly and ran upstream. 一条真鳟咬住假蝇向上游快速游去。
- Oh, walk upstream alongside the river. 嘉宾:哦,逆着河走。
- Upstream facing interface with foundation and abut. 上游护面与地基和坝肩的连接面。
- He tried to make his way upstream. 他试著逆流而上。
- And walking upstream along the river? 逆着河走啊?
- Then walk upstream again and turn right. 再逆着河走,右拐就是了。
- Fenhe city 15 kilometers north-south, 300 meters width. 汾河纵贯本市15公里,河宽300米。
- The boat steamed leisurely upstream. 这只船缓驶向上游。
- Introduction: Hongtong County area by the rich Fenhe turtle. 介绍:洪洞县靠汾河一带盛产甲鱼。