- Fen and Hui River 汾浍
- Water's "Rubbish": "Fen River and Hui River Can Flow With the Rubbish" "有汾、浍以流其恶"之"恶"解
- It's six thirty in the evening. Li Fen and Mr Green are talking. 现在是晚上六点半了。李芬和格林先生正在谈话。
- Mosha, a town of Xinpin county, is located in Red River valley and permanently raises some multiracial residents, such as Dai, Yi, Miao, Hani, Lahu, and Hui. 新平县漠沙镇位于红河谷,在这里长期居住着傣、彝、苗、哈尼、拉祜、回等多种民族。
- If it costs25 fen and you give her a yuan you should get75 fen change. 如果这件东西值二十五分,而你给他一美元,应找回七十五分的零钱。
- Line off the fen, jiao and yuan. 将分、角和元分行记下。
- The Chinese Swimming Association recently announced the Chinese diving team training name list, Yu Fen and her disciple fails an exam completely. 中国游泳协会新近公布了中国跳水队的集训名单,于芬和她的弟子全部榜上无名。
- I'd like to start by introducing my colleges,vice premire Huang Ju ,Wu Yi, Zeng Peiyan and Hui Liangyu. 温家宝]:请允许我首先介绍一下几位新当选的副总理。这位是黄菊同志。
- Jiu Fen and Jin Gua Shi are not far away from each other.However, in its ostentatiously prosperous level there is a big difference. 九份与金瓜石乡距离不远,在繁华的程度上却呈现显著的差异,九份络绎不绝的人潮,对比著金瓜石一贯的宁静深沈。
- That's a three-legged ancient cooking vessel, which represents solidification between Han and Hui nationalities. 这个鼎是一个三足的古代烹饪容器,代表着汉族和回族的坚定团结。
- The Fen and Qin rivers, tributaries of the Huang He, run north-to-south through the province, and drain much of its area. 汾河和沁河是黄河的支流,它们自北向南纵贯全省大部分区域。
- As to Alibaba and Hui Cong, they are in China early especially southeast seaboard stand firm calcaneal. 至于阿里巴巴和慧聪,它们早就在中国尤其是东南沿海地带站稳了脚跟。
- Recent Dali Weishan Yi and Hui Autonomous County Government signed a letter of intent, the two scenic spots on the Wei Baoshan cooperation projects. 公司近期与大理巍山彝族回族自治县政府签署合作意向书,双方就巍宝山风景名胜区项目开展合作。
- Her hat fly off and landed up in the river. 她的帽子让风刮跑落到河里了。
- Economic development has attracted too many Han and Hui (Muslim) Chinese settlers, threatening to outnumber the Tibetans and remake their society. 经济发展带来了太多的汉族和回族定居者,有超过藏族人口从而重构当地社会的危险。
- Her hat flew off and landed up in the river. 她的帽子让风刮跑落到河里了。
- Researches conducting on the relationship between TSP and HUI should be the basis on scientific and rational alleviatory measures of the pollution of TSP and UHI. 研究总悬浮颗粒物与城市热岛的相互关系为制定科学合理的城市大气总悬浮颗粒物污染防治措施,有效缓解现代城市热岛难题提供理论依据。
- I hit him fair and square on the jaw. 我不偏不倚打中他的下巴。
- It is a fact of life and you must face it. 这是严酷的现实,你必须面对它。
- I bought many caps from Shang Xia Jiu shopping centre for Joelle, June, Sylvia, TianWen, Gloria and Hui Yi. but they are all different colors and styles. 在广州,我也尝了一些道地的小吃,其中我最喜欢的就是双皮奶了,它很像鸡蛋糕,但是口感却和鸡蛋糕不太一样,里面有很大的糖分。