- Feel out the summer breeze 感受着夏天微风
- I'll feel out the members of the committee. 我会小心地把那些委员们的意见打听出来的。
- He tried to feel out the positions of both sides before committing himself. 在采取行动前他试图先摸清双方的立场。
- Flanagan wires in the summer breeze sway with, so that sparrows also be followed before and after the shake up. 那根电线在盛夏的微风中飘摇着,于是,那麻雀也便跟着前后摇动起来。
- Hired himself out as a cook; hired out the cottage for the summer. 他被雇佣当厨师;夏天把小屋租了出去
- You had better feel out the other comrades'opinions on the subject. 你最好摸清楚其他同志对这个问题的意见。
- Accompanied by the scent of jasmine at night during the summer breeze blowing over waves, stars twinkling at night, weKidding, spent a pleasant evening. 晚上茉莉花的香气伴着夏季的清风一阵阵吹过来,望着夜空闪烁的星星,我们说说笑笑,度过愉快的晚上。
- He tried to feel out the position of both side before committ himself. 在采取行动前他试图先摸清双方的立场。
- The feather fan was only powerful against the summer breezes. 羽毛扇只是在夏日的微风中才有所作为。
- John doesn't go out even in the summer. 约翰甚至在夏天也不出门。
- While the regular summer rain to us, but more vibrant after the rain of the summer, whether it is hot or irritability, a word was The summer breeze is always warm so that we become more wealthy. 虽然夏天的雨经常的光临着我们,但是雨后的夏天更加生机勃勃,无论是炎热还是烦躁,总之被微风吹过的夏天,总是让我们更加富有热情。
- Let's feel out the situation first before we take any definite steps. 在采取任何具体步骤之前,让我们先把情况摸清楚。
- They cleaned out the house in order to live in it during the summer vacation. 他们打扫房子以便暑假期间居
- Jim is quite shy; he will feel out of place in the presence of unknown people. 吉姆很害羞,在陌生人面前往往感到手足无措。
- Many people like to chew mint gum in the summer. 许多人喜欢在夏天嚼薄荷口香糖。
- He swims every day during the summer. 他夏天每天游泳。
- Every night during the summer thousands of young people kip out on the beaches. 夏天每晚都有成千上万的年轻人在海滩上露宿。
- I'm beginning to feel out of patience. 我觉得有些不耐烦了。
- She acted out the role of a wronged lover to make him feel guilty. 她扮作受了冤枉的情人,好让他感到内疚。
- He has come over to China for the summer. 他不远万里来中国度暑假。