- That boxer is a prodigious feed. 那个拳击家是个大肚汉。
- Keywords feed direction burr;drilling;deburring technology;precision machining; 进给方向毛刺;钻削加工;去毛刺技术;精密加工;
- Unwaged members pay a lower entrance fee. 无固定收入的人入场费从优。
- Electrochemical performance of a liquid feed direct methanol fuel cell 液体进料直接甲醇燃料电池的电化学性能
- Cows and sheep depends forage to feed. 牛和羊依靠草料喂养。
- In a little while we lost our sense of direction. 一会儿我们就辨不清方向了。
- He can barely feed and clothe his family. 他勉强能给予全家人温饱。
- She charged only a nominal fee for her work. 她为所做的工作只收取象征性的费用。
- The signpost points in a westerly direction. 路标指向西。
- The fee paid to a mint by a government. 铸币费政府支付给铸币厂的钱
- Are we going in the right direction? 我们走的方向对吗?
- I thought the accountant's fee rather high. 我认为那个会计师收费很高。
- Stones were flying about in every direction. 石块朝四面八方乱飞。
- Cattle and sheep feed chiefly on grass. 牛羊主要以草为食物。
- The doctor's fee was higher than we expected. 这位医生的收费比我们预料的高。
- He pointed vaguelyin my direction. 他粗略地朝我的方向指了指。
- The play came to life under his direction. 在他的导演下,这出戏演得活龙活现。
- I'm afraid I can't afford the doctor's fee. 恐怕我付不起给医生的酬金。
- Which direction does your room face? 你的房间面向哪个方向?
- They charge a small registration fee. 他们收一点注册费。