- Federal Systems Division 联邦体系处
- All state judiciaries are hierarchical, like the federal system. 各州的司法机构都象联邦体系一样分等级的。
- The Systems Division looks after the implementation and policy co-ordination of the textiles export control system and origin certification. 制度部负责实施纺织品出口管制制度并协调有关政策,以及处理产地来源签证等事宜。
- The federal system, it has been seen, was the last step in the evolutionary process. 我们所看到的联邦政府制度,是这个演进过程的最后一步。
- Sanmina-SCI Enclosure Systems division has 22 modern manufacturing sites, located in 10 countries. SCI通讯设备系统在全球有22家工厂,分布于10个国家。
- User's Manual FASTCAM Super 10K Series. MOTION ANALYSIS SYSTEMS DIVISION PHOTRON LTD. 孙西钊等.;体内碎石器的发展历史与研制动态
- Habeas Corpus is defendant's basic criminal Procedural right of appeal in the federal system in America. 美国联邦法院人身保护是对州法院刑事被告提供的基本性申诉权利。
- But in 1957, the concept was taken up by engineers at the Sylvania Electronic Systems Division, in Buffalo, New York. 但在1957年,这项发明的构思却被纽约布法罗市的西尔韦尼亚电子系统部门的工程师们所接受。
- Under a federal system of government, the central government and the states share power. 在联邦制的政府下,中央政府及州政府共享权力。
- They are also to some extent hierarchical, the federal system stands above the state system. 然而在某种程度上,这两个体系又是垂直的,联邦法院体系位于州法院体系之上。
- Shahram Hejazi, president of Carestream Health molecular imaging systems division. 这种方法不但可在柯达专门配备的仪器上使用,也适合于其他商业成像仪器。
- What is a federal system? What are some of the major differences between a federal system and a confederation? 一个联邦系统是什么?联邦系统和同盟有什么主要差别?他们中的任何一个和中国的情况相似吗?请解释。
- FMG's Colour Systems division has begun rolling VIP 4 out to its customers already, beginning with a section of Bauer's Peterborough-based magazines. fmg的颜色系统部已开始滚动的VIP 4向它的客户已经开始的一段宝华的彼得伯勒为基础的杂志。
- Within the federal system, sections 554, 556, and 557 of the APA establish some minimum standards for administrative adjudications. 在联邦制度里,《行政程序法》第五百五十四条、第五百五十六条和第五百五十七条确立了一些最低限度的行政裁决的标准。
- Income tax systems are important as revenue raisers for the states. State income taxes have lower rates than the federal system and vary widely in their exact provisions. 所得税是各州政府的重要收入来源。州所得税的税率比联邦所得税的税率低,而且在它们的具体法规上差异很大。
- National Agricultural Library, 2002. AGRICOLA. National Agricultural Library, U. S. Department of Agriculture,Information Systems Division, Behsville, MD, USA. [骆有庆;黄少鸣;2000.;光肩星天牛和黄斑星天牛混合种群的系统聚类分析
- Likewise, in the federal system, a Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals decision would not have any precedential effect on another circuit court appeal. 同样地,在联邦的系统内,第五巡回上诉法庭的一个决定对另外一个巡回法院的上诉状不产生任何的先例效果。
- As President of Cognex Corporation, Mr.Willett will oversee both the Modular Vision Systems Division (MVSD) and the Surface Inspection Systems Division (SISD). 作为康耐视公司总裁,威利特先生将监督模块化视觉系统部门(MVSD)和表面检验系统部门(SISD)的经营。
- He was instrumental in designing the federal system of government whereby the states would share power with a central authority. 他参与设计了联邦政府体制,各州后来根据这一体制在中央政府的领导下平分权力。
- Oxford is a collegiate university, with 39 self-governing colleges related to the University in a type of federal system. 牛津是一所高等学府以联合管理的形式分部了下属的39个自主管理学院。(每个学院之间是平行的,但都规牛津管)