- Keywords Shengbei concave;Sedimentary facies;Lithologic pool;Favourable facies belt;Turpan-Hami basin.; 胜北洼陷;沉积相;岩性油气藏;有利相带;吐哈盆地;
- Favourable facies belt 有利相带
- Dongying sag is divided into three facies belt such as actic region, sag region and ramp region. 北部陡坡带主要发育各种成因的砂砾岩扇体,基岩的起伏和断层活动控制了扇体的成因类型和展布。
- Subaqueous distributary channel is the most favorable facies belt, followed by frontal sheet sand, subaqueous main channel, mouth bar and distal bar. 提出水下分流河道砂体是最有利储层发育的微相类型,其次为前缘席状砂、水下主河道、河口坝和远砂坝微相。
- The spatial dist ribution of those assemblages seems to be cont rolled by facies belt s of reef s , and they may exchange laterally from one to another. 生物组合的空间分布明显受生物礁相带控制 ,它们之间均为横向关系 ,反映了生物组合与水动力环境的统一性。
- The sizes, shapes and boundaries of sedimentary facies belt and distribution of sandbodies are controlled by landform, geomorphic features, climate, faults and streams. 地形、地貌、气候、断裂构造与水流决定着沉积体系展布的规模、形态和沉积相带边界及砂体分布。
- The method and the character of microfacies classification of fan-top main trough of favorable facies belt were pointed out.Relationship between favorable sedimentary micro... 指出了有利相带扇顶主槽微相划分的特征和方法,分析了有利沉积微相带与含油状况的关系,为合理选择开发决策和改善油田开发效果提供了可靠的地质依据。
- On the basis of the grain size data from the samplesof two bore holes in the Zhangzhou City, Fujian Province,and the stream channel facies belt and estuarine facies belt,the Quaternary sedimentary environment and its evolution are discussedin details. 对福建省漳州市不同沉积相带(河道沉积相带和海湾沉积相带)的两个钻孔进行详细的第四纪沉积物激光粒度分析,综合研究区内代表性钻孔的岩性和岩相等资料,得出了研究区第四系沉积环境及其演化的认识。
- Among them, the under water distributary channel in the frontal edge of the delta possesses the best physical property and then the delta plain, stream, dam sandbody and fluvial facies belt. 其中三角洲前缘水下分流河道及河口坝砂体储集物性最好,其次为三角洲平原、滨浅湖滩坝砂体及河流相带。
- The past-year experiences show that continuously developed ancient swell controls not only distributions of source rocks and reservoir facies belt, but also the direction of hydrocarbon migration. 通过研究,明确了前侏罗系成藏模式为砂岩侧向运移、剥蚀地层圈闭背景下发育的下生上储的构造-地层油藏;
- The coherent value relation of the three facies belts is CNCF
这三个相带的相干值的关系为:CNCF - The good reservoirs of dissolution type are mainly distributed in foreshore facies belt, especially in areas near the Tazhong I fault or in areas where Silurian was seriously uplifted and exposed. 溶蚀型优质储层主要分布于前滨相带,尤其是塔中1号断层附近或志留系抬升暴露较严重的地区。
- This paper also describes the main development types of interchannel sandbody at different facies belt location and discusses the role of this kind of reservoir in oil field production adjustment. 描述了不同相带位置河间砂体发育的主要类型,并对这类储层在油田开发调整中的作用进行了讨论。
- Three facies belts which are channel stone, interchannel stone and interchannel silt are subdivided in the reservoir description of complex meander belt stone body previously. 本文综合现代沉积、露头调查,描述其几何形态和规模,建立其概念模式。
- Sand bar sub-facies of lagoon, front delta, sheet sandstone of offshore sea are the best sedimentary facies belts for the oil &gas accumulation. 泻湖相堡坝亚相、三角洲相前缘亚相以及滨海相席状砂亚相是砂岩储层分布和发育的最有利相带。
- We formed a very favourable impression of her. 我们对她印象极好。
- He was in favour of the declaration of a truce. 他赞成宣布停战。
- He was passed over in favour of a younger man. 没考虑提升他而提升了一个小伙子。
- Carbonate depositional environments are described, and the predictive capabilities of understanding facies belts are discussed. 描述碳酸盐沉积环境并讨论理解相带的预测能力。
- The shop is let on very favourable term. 该商店以特惠条件出租。