- Fatigue ultimate strength 疲劳极限强度
- The ultimate strength of KT-joints was about 0.75 less than the K-joints. 与规范中平面K型相贯节点计算结果的比值在0.;75左右。
- Only when the stress reaches the "ultimate strength" does failure, i. e., breakage, occur. 只有当应力达到极限强度时才会造成损坏。
- The inclusions reduced the cohesive force of the matrix so that the steel cracked at a stress levelfar below its ultimate strength. 这些夹杂物的存在降低了钢的基体的结合力,从而使钢板在远低于其极限强度下开裂。
- You can't use stat boosting Prayers for two different skills, so you can't use Mystic Lore at the same time as Ultimate Strength. 你不能用两种不同的统计增加祈福技能;所以不能用神秘风俗在此同时;作为终极力量.
- The inclusions reduced the cohesive force of the matrix so that the steel cracked at a stress levelfar below its ultimate strength . 这些夹杂物的存在降低了钢的基体的结合力,从而使钢板在远低于其极限强度下开裂。
- Then,the compound method is used to assess the hull girder ultimate strength reliability of a bulk carrier subjected to extreme bending moments. 最后,基于极限强度,将该组合方法用于评估散货船在极值弯矩作用下的船体梁安全性。
- In recent years several authors have proposed simplified analytical methods to calculate the ultimate strength of unstiffened plates. 最近几年,一些作者提出了计算平板极限强度的一种简化解析方法。
- In this paper, finite element (FE) method is used to study the ultimate strength of pressure spherical hulls in deep-sea manned submersibles. 因此本文基于有限元的分析方法,对大深度载人潜水器耐压球壳极限强度进行了研究。
- After analyzing the response of SRC column with different durations, slenderness ratios or eccentricities, the equations of ultimate strength are derived by regression. 通过各种受火时间、长细比和偏心距的钢骨混凝土柱抗火性能的计算,得出了相应的极限承载力计算公式。
- Comparison experimental research on the ultimate strength of gusset plate joints of hollow steel tubes(HST) and concrete-filled steel tubes(CFST) were carried out in 12 specimens. 试验结果表明:空钢管试件在达到极限荷载时,节点板下空钢管发生严重局部屈曲而丧失承载力;钢管混凝土节点则在节点板下只发生轻微局部屈曲现象,具有较高的承载力。
- This paper introduces calculation of bolt connectin supported by eccentric sheal force on the basis of ultimate strength and compares ultimate strength method with elastic method. 介绍了按极限强度法计算承受偏心剪力的普通螺栓连接计算方法,通过算例比较了按极限强度法和按目前工程设计中常用的弹性法计算的差别。
- This paper presents the results of a parametric study to investigate the ultimate strength of sleeve reinforced hollow section T-joints subjected to out-plane bending. 摘要对用套管加强的T型管节点在平面外弯矩作用下的极限强度作了参数化分析。
- Conclusion: The low tensile stress has stimulating effects on the proliferative activity of the epiphyseal cartilage and no influence on the ultimate strength of bone. 结论:在体以较小的张应力能使骺软骨细胞活性增强,实现肢体增长而不影响其强度。
- Compared with members without CFS, retrofitted withCFS can enlarge the crack strength and the ultimate strength, also it can improve themember's seismic properties. 与未包碳纤维的构件相比较,粘贴碳纤维布不仅能提高钢筋混凝土柱的开裂荷载和极限承载能力,而且还可以提高混凝土柱的抗震性能。
- Finite-element study on the ultimate strength of planer overlap tubular K-joints and full scale tests on the ultimate strength of CHS joints are researched in this dissertation. 本文研究的内容主要包括平面K型圆钢管搭接节点极限承载力的有限元研究和圆钢管相贯节点极限承载力的足尺试验研究两部分。
- He was beaten out with fatigue when he got home. 他回到家里时已是疲惫不堪。
- Unstiffened plate is one of the most important components of ship structures. To verify unstiffened plate ultimate strength is an important task for ship strength verification. 无加筋板是船舶结构的主要构件之一,船舶结构强度校核的一项重要内容就是校核各平板单元是否具备足够的强度储备。
- Then the ultimate strength of pressure spherical hulls under different thickness-radius ratio is studied, as well as the effect of the initial imperfection. 然后计算了一系列半径厚度比下的耐压球壳的极限强度,并研究了初挠度的影响。
- She fell out from extreme fatigue. 她由于极度疲劳而掉队了。