- We used it to tack down notes onto the wall. 我们用它来把通知单钉在墙上。
- Fasten it to the wall. 将它系到墙上。
- She crumb the bread before feeding it to the birds. 她把面包弄碎,然后喂给鸟吃。
- It hurt the way your tongue hurts after you accidentally staple it to the wall. 痛到就好像你不小心用订书机把舌头钉到墙上一样。
- The earthquake caused the wall to sway to the left. 地震使墙向左倾斜。
- Can you gum this piece of wood on to the wall? 你能不能把这片木头黏到墙上去?
- I weighed out half a kilo of flour and added it to the mixture. 我秤了半公斤面粉,加到混合物中。
- Send it to the laundry. Don't dry clean it. 把它送到洗衣店去吧,别乾洗。
- He took some money from his pocket and gave it to the taxi driver. 他从衣兜里拿出一些钱递给出租车司机。
- If prices were uncontrolled, it would be the old-age pensioners, the lowly paid-it is these people who would go to the wall. 如果物价的上涨控制不住,倒霉的将是年老的养老金领取者和低收入者。
- Here, tie this rope round your neck and fasten it to my bridle. 然后我带你去一个我知道的安静之地。”
- You stick this hook to the wall with a sucker. 你用吸盘把这个钩子固定在墙上。
- She fastens it to the breast of her teacher' s jacket, and says "Happy Teachers' Day" to her. 小华的妈妈亲自为老师沏了一杯茶,然后又拿了一盏灯放在了书桌上。
- He felt out a new idea by submitting it to the workers of the factory. 他把新办法提交厂里的工人试用以检验其是否可行。
- Check over the paper carefully before pass it to the typist. 把稿子交给打字员前先仔细检查一下。
- Here first, tie this rope round your neck and fasten it to my bridle. 看这儿,把这根绳子的一头套在你的脖子上,另一头栓在我的缰绳上。
- The dog was chained (up) to the wall. 这只狗被用一条链子拴在墙上。
- The mirror was hooked to the wall in the lounge. 镜子挂在起居室的墙上。
- A world map was hung on the wall to the left. 左边墙上挂着一幅世界地图。
- Jack's failing the last test drove him to the wall. 杰克最后一次考试失败,他已别无补救的办法了。