- Fast Attack Craft 快速攻击艇
- Fast Attack Craft Gunboat 快速攻击炮艇
- Fast Attack Craft Missile Boat 快速导弹攻击艇
- When the time comes to drop its weapons, the wings could sweep back and telescope down to a shorter length, preparing the craft for a fast attack run. 投弹时间一到,将机翼长度缩短并向后收起,方便飞机进行快速攻击。
- The Desert Raider is an Israeli-designed fast attack vehicle. 沙漠袭击者是一种以色列设计的快速攻击车。
- Earlier this month, General Atomics Aeronautical Systems Inc. began test-flying the newest model in its Predator line of unmanned attack craft. 本月早些时候,通用原子航空系统公司开始试飞最新型号的“捕猎者”系列无人驾驶攻击机。
- This is extremely disadvantageous to the Chinese team, whose major technique is fast attack. 这对于以快攻打法为主的中国队将极为不利。
- This is extremely disadvantageous to the Chinese team,whose major technique is fast attack. 这对于以快攻打法为主的中国队将极为不利。
- Characters with extremely fast attack speeds no longer erroneously miss their targets. 修订角色特别快时攻击不到目标的情况。
- There is no doubt that a new generation of Centrino 2 has come, the fast attack of the Centrino 2 in the end what? 迅驰2发布至今已经有2个多月的时间了,而市面上也陆续到货了多款基于迅驰2平台的。
- A very fast ATTACK setting will cause the 166XL to act like a peak limiter even though RMS detection circuitry is used. 一个很快的压缩将会引起166XL的动作,如同峰值限制,即是额定功率检测电路一样是有用的。
- Buggy: This is a fast attack vehicle primarily used for scouting the map early, and for hit n run tactics. 四轮车:主要用于早期侦查地图的快速攻击车辆,并且可以用打一枪就跑的策略。
- The Renegade is a fast attack copter designed to provide ground support. The twin rocket tubes launch direct fire rockets at ground targets. 变节者时一个快速攻击的飞机;被设计用来进行对地支援.;它的双火箭发射匣可以进行直接的对地火箭攻击
- Mobile Inshore Undersea Warfare Attack Craft 近岸水下机动作战攻击艇
- Whether or Lionel Messi, Carlos Tevez or belong to the ball that is moving fast player, Riquelme, but only in fast attack and defense were always remain sober-minded. 无论梅西也好,特维斯也好,都属于拿球即飞速向前的球员,但唯有里克尔梅能在快速的攻防当中始终保持清醒的头脑。
- If make an analogy, it is like a person from the initial casually swatting flies or mosquitoes, in turn, slowly tightening fist, and then with a straight line fast attack. 如果打个比喻,这就像一个人从最初的随便乱打,转而慢慢收紧拳头,然后再以一条直线快速出击。
- To know that other teams may be faster attacks, and we have hurt. 要知道其他球队可能更快地袭击,并对我们产生伤害。
- The patrol came under attack from all sides. 巡逻队遭到来自四面八方的攻击。
- He is a fast attacking player and had been placed eight in the ITTF World Men's Table Tennis ranking. 他是一名快球选手,国际乒联世界排名第八位。
- The conditions on Nocturne are not conducive to training for high speed attack or using the anti-grav engines of Land Speeders, so the Chapter employs relatively few of these specialised fast attack units. 由于那克土恩不能制造出高移动速度和小巧的陆地飞毛腿引擎,所以军团以连队为单位雇佣了许多类似的快速移动和反应部队。