- Fashion has become a joke. 时尚开始成为一个笑话。
- This incident has become a joke and a lesson to Mr.Borman.This story has been told every year after it happened. 作为一个笑话,也作为一个教训,这个故事据说老伯奥曼是年年讲。
- That remark of his has become a standing joke. 他这句话已成为笑柄。
- Brunch has become a fashion among some teenagers. 在一些青少年中,早午餐合二为一成了一种时尚。
- But recent humorous TV ads reinforced the notion that Juan had become a bit of a joke. 但近来几支诙谐的电视广告却不断加深一个概念:瓦迪兹已沦为笑柄。
- This place has become a famous summer resort. 这个地方已成为一个避暑胜地。
- Nowadays, the poor student has become a rich man. 如今,那个穷学生成了富人。
- The tourist trade has become a real industry. 旅游业已经成为真正的产业。
- He has become a figure known to everyone. 他已成了一个知名人物。
- The city has become a lawless wilderness. 该城已经是无法无天,一片混乱。
- This has become a financial football. 这已成为财政上的难题。
- In our department, this rule has become a dead letter. 在我们这个部门,这条制度已成为一纸空文。
- His wife has become a woman of some standing in the community. 他的妻子在那个群体中成为颇有地位的女子。
- The play, which once seemed so modern, has become a period piece. 那出戏,一度似乎相当时新,如今已成明日黄花。
- The matter has gone beyond a joke,ie has become too serious to be amusing. 这事可不是闹著玩儿的。
- The matter has gone beyond a joke, ie has become too serious to be amusing. 这事可不是闹著玩儿的。
- It is said that he has became a Party member. 据说他已经成为一名党员了。
- It seems that since the50' s fashion has become increasingly casual and what is known as casual wear has come to dominate the clothing market. 好像是在50年代以后,时尚越来越倾向于休闲风格,所谓的休闲装开始占据服装市场的主导地位。
- Because of the company business she has become a denizen of Tokyo. 由于公司业务她成了东京的常客。
- The gallery in which the reporters sit has become a fourth estate of the realm. 新闻记者坐的席位已经成了王国的第四等级。