- GnRH类似物对体外培养肝癌细胞Fas/FasL基因表达的影响Effect of Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone Analogue on Fas/Fasl Gene Expression in Cultured Hepatocarcinoma Cells
- 人脑胶质瘤Fas/FasL基因表达及FasL cDNA体内外抑瘤作用的研究Study on the Expression of Fas/FasL in Human Gliomas and the Inhibitory Effect of FasL cDNA on the Growth of Glioma Cells in Vitro as Well as in Vivo
- 表达to voice (an opinion)
- FasL基因FasL gene
- 表达的expressive
- 通过逆转录病毒途径 ,FasL基因可有效转染骨髓CD34+3 4 细胞we obtained CD + 34 cells expressing exogenous Fsa ligand.
- 表达方式turn of expression
- 表达能力ability of expression
- 腺病毒介导FasL基因转染大鼠角膜组织的实验研究Experimental Study of the Fas Ligand Gene Transfer to Corneal Tissues of Rats Mediated by Adenovirus
- Fas/FasLFas/FasL
- 表达出give expression to
- 善于表达expressivity
- FasL基因转染树突状细胞对屋尘螨致敏/激发小鼠气道炎症影响的研究Effects of FasL gene-modified dendritic cell on the airway inflammation in mice sensitized/challenged by house dust mite allergen
- 上调SPC-A1细胞Fas和下调其FasL。the up-regulating of expression of Fas and the down-regulating of expression of FasL in SPC-A1 cells;
- 语言表达能力language
- 语言表达language performance
- Fas基因Fas gene
- 我想表达我的谢意。I'd like to express my gratitude.
- 携带人CTLA4-Ig基因和FasL基因的非增殖腺病毒载体的构建及其诱导大鼠同种异体肾移植免疫耐受的实验研究Construction of Replication-defective Adenovirus Carring Human CTLA4-Ig Gene and FasL Gene and Their Tolerance Induction in Rat Renal Allografts
- 再生障碍性贫血患者骨髓CD34~+和Fas~+细胞Fas抗原的表达Expression of Fas Antigen on Bone Marrow CD34~+ Cells in Patients with Aplastic Anemia