- Peking Duck became famous for its crispy skin and tender meat. 例)京烤鸭以皮脆肉嫩而得以闻名。
- crispy skin chicken 脆皮鸡
- crispy skinned chicken ; chicken barbecued with spices ; fried crisp chicken 脆皮鸡[粤]
- We don’t take financial fortune too seriously, but we taste carefully a piece of water-boiled chicken or the crispy skin of a red-oiled chicken leg. 不会太在乎一笔大钱,但会在乎仔细地嚼尽一块白切鸡或吮吸红油凤爪油酥起皱的一圈皮。
- The ducks roasted here have crispy skin and tender meat. 这里的烤鸭皮脆、肉嫩。
- crispy skinned chicken 脆皮鸡[粤]
- Fried radish cake, crispy skin, soft and chewy fillings, full of radish scent, this really makes me feel that the most ordinary things is the most delicious food! 煎萝卜糕,外皮酥脆,内馅松软,充满萝卜的香味和绵绵的口感,真的让我觉得最平凡的事物就是最美味的佳肴啊!
- The crispy skin came with the rich moist meat and we wrapped it in thin pancakes doused with salty sweet bean sauce with shredded leek whites and cucumber. 酥脆的鸭皮下面,是肥美柔软的鸭肉,我们把肉卷在薄薄的面饼里,加上甜面酱、切细的葱白和黄瓜条。
- Packaging for boneless, skinless chicken breasts uses transparency to reinforce the product’s “all-natural” cachet. 包装去骨,皮鸡胸肉使用的透明度,加强了产品的“全天然”印。
- Or Indian tandoori-style skinless chicken thighs marinated in yogurt and spices like turmeric, curry, or cardamom? 或者将鸡腿去皮,用酸奶与黄姜、咖喱、豆蔻等辣味调料腌制后用印度泥炉烹饪法烹调?
- Dak-gal-bi, the lean skinless chicken fillets marinated in the hot chili sauce, good for barbecue. 去皮的鸡肉腌制在辣酱里,烧烤佳物。
- For meat dishes, look for leaner cuts, such as skinless chicken breasts, turkey burgers, pork loin and beef sirloin. 如果你实在想吃甜点,选择低热量、低脂肪的,像冰糕、新鲜浆果或水果,
- Pork: Lean cuts (tenderloin, boneless loin chops) compare favorably with skinless chicken. 猪肉:精瘦肉(脊肉,去骨里脊)可以与去皮的鸡肉媲美。
- A 3-ounce serving of skinless chicken breast has only 142 calories and 3 grams fat. 3盎司的鸡胸肉只有142卡路里,3克脂肪。
- Her dream to enter the famous university came true. 她要进入名牌大学学习的梦想实现了。
- Focus on low-fat alternatives to red meat, such as fish or skinless chicken or turkey. 吃一些低脂肪的食物代替肉,如鱼,无皮鸡肉。
- The boy booted the banana skin to the garbage heap. 男孩把香蕉皮踢到垃圾堆旁。
- Roughness of the skin can be caused by bad diet. 饮食不好可能引起皮肤粗糙。
- Her shoes chafed the skin on her feet. 鞋子擦破了她脚上的皮肤。
- While of course, substituting your rib eye with skinless chicken or fish would be the BEST nutritional decision, we know you're not made of stone. 以去皮的鸡肉和鱼肉取代牛里脊理所当然是最佳的营养选择,除非你是石头做的。