- False position probability 虚警率
- She has put herself in a false position. 她把自己摆在尴尬的地位上。
- false positive probability 误检率
- I won't put myself in such a beastly false position. 我不能使自己处于这样引起旁人误解的恶劣地位。
- Many of the arithmetical problems were solved by false position. 许多算术问题是用试位法解的。
- I slipped into my false position through jealousy and agitation. 只是由于嫉妒和激动,我才不知不觉地落得一无是处。
- Infrared cameras can also make false positives. 红外线摄影机也会判断错误。
- In Uganda Ms Counihan went for the false positives. 在乌干达,康尼汉女士主攻的是假阳性问题。
- Se step in a false position on under false pretences strike sound a false note sail under false colours a play sb falset names in a familiar way. 她和他们打招呼时亲切地直呼其名。
- However, the false positives are normally easy to filter out. 但是,假阳性一般很容易过滤出来。
- This feature helps reduce the chance of false positives. 此功能有助于减少误报的几率。
- Among this good company I should have felt myself, even if I hadn't robbed the pantry, in a false position. 在这批贵宾之间,我本来就感到身价比他们低一等,何况我还偷了食品间的东西。
- Each "false positive" reduces profits and angers an honest shopper. 每一笔被定为“欺诈性”的交易都会减少盈利,激怒诚实的顾客。
- False positives upset us, but false negatives do not. 错误的正面消息让我们沮丧,而错误的负面消息却不会。
- You should be aware that the further along the mail flow path a message travels, the greater the probability of false positives, because the anti-spam features are evaluating more variables. 应当注意的是,邮件在邮件流路径中传递得越远,误报的可能性就越大,因为反垃圾邮件功能将计算更多的变量。
- That would at once place me in a false position; you know that in my position,I am not allowed to advise you as to your investments. 你知道,处在我这样的地位,我是不会被允许对你投资的事提出什么建议的;那会马上使我陷入被人误解的境地。
- solar-lunar position probability 日、月相概率
- That would at once place me in a false position; you know that in my position, I am not allowed to advise you as to your investments. 你知道,处在我这样的地位,我是不会被允许对你投资的事提出什么建议的;那会马上使我陷入被人误解的境地。
- Each“ false positive” reduces profits and angers an honest shopper. 每一笔被定为“欺诈性”的交易都会减少盈利,激怒诚实的顾客。
- It is wiser to admit ignorance than to give a false positive diagnosis. 承认自己的无知要比给出一个错误的阳性诊断明智得多。