- Fajia ideology 法家思想
- The ideology of the political left. 左派,左翼政治左派的意识形态、观点
- His attitude to ownership is rooted in communist ideology. 他的所有制观点源自共产主义思想。
- An obsolete ideology can hamper an economy. 过时的意识形态会束缚经济。
- Let correct ideology guide practical work. 以虚带实。
- The ideology has great influence in the world. 这种思想体系在世界上有很大的影响。
- This ideology is spawned out of communism. 这一思想是从共产主义中产生出来的。
- Nothing lay outside the scheme of our ideology. 我们的意识形态领域包罗万象。
- Her deeds were compatible with her ideology. 她的行为与她的思想是一致的。
- It is one kind of bourgeois ideology. 大汉族主义是一种资产阶级思想。
- Looking down on women is feudal ideology. 轻视妇女是封建意识。
- An obsolete ideology can hamperan economy. 过时的意识形态会束缚经济。
- How does ideology existin aesthetic field? 意识形态在审美领域的存在方式是什么?
- We must cleanse our mind of bourgeois ideology. 我们一定要清除掉我们头脑里的资产阶级思想。
- Inquiry into Music Aesthetic Ideology of Liszt. 李斯特音乐美学思想探微。
- Is Ideology Pertaining to Marxist Philosophy? 马克思主义哲学具有意识形态性吗?
- The ideology binds members to the group. 这种思想(意识形态)使成员们凝聚在该团体的周围。
- Mao Zedong Thought is still our guiding ideology. 现在毛泽东思想还是我们的指导思想。
- No other systems of ideology are on a par with it. 没有任何其它的理论在现代社会享有这样尊崇的地位。
- Another is the "Nature and Humanity" ideology. 另一个是“天人合一”思想。