- FSHLuteinizing hormone(LH)
- FSH阈值FSH threshold
- FSH-βFSH-β
- 重组FSHRecombinant FSH
- FSHβ基因FSHβ gene
- ER在PRL、LH及FSH垂体腺瘤细胞的发生、发展中发挥作用。ER may play an important role in the occurrence and development of the PRL-, LH- or FSH- secreting adenomatous cells.
- 益气止血宁低剂量可提高未成熟大鼠血清FSH、LH、E_2、P值;The law-dose of Yiqizhixuening can increase FSH> LH> EZ> P in serum of immature rat, but the high-dose of Yiqizhixuening has down-regulating trend.
- 促卵泡刺激素(FSH)Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH)
- E2-P4-FSH-LH组合处理Ovum
- 近期吸烟和过高的卵泡刺激素(FSH)水平与从登记到发生FMP的时间缩短有关。Current smoking and higher follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) levels were also associated with a shorter time from enrollment to FMP.
- 用 FSH-LH常规超排方法。ll Boer goats were treated for superovulation with FSH-LH routine methods.
- 吸烟和过高的卵泡刺激素(FSH)水平与从登记到发生FMP的时间缩短有关。Current smoking and higher follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) leels were also associated with a shorter time from enrollment to FMP.
- FSHβ亚基基因内含子1序列The FSHβ gene in -1 sequence
- 本文用放射免疫法(RIA)测定了20例正常女性,195例妇科疾病患者的FSH及LH水平。Blood FSH and LH of 195 patients with gynecologic diseases and 20 normal controlswere measured with radio--immuneassay (RIA).
- IGF-1还能促进垂体内LH和FSH分泌。It also accelerates LH and FSH secretion in hypophysis.
- 人垂体生殖激素(FSH和LH)纯品的研制Study on the Purification of Human Pituitary Gonadotropins (FSH and LH)
- 对照组放疗后FSH、LH值显著增高(t=15.53,P<0.01),E2值显著降低(t=6.61,P<0.01)。Ultrasonography revealed that ovaries had periodical augment,and no patients had endocrine disorder. But after radiotherapy in control group,FSH and LH levels were increased significantly(t=15.53,P<0.01),while E2 level was decreased markedly(t=6.61,P<0.01).
- FSH对COC中卵母细胞核与胞浆成熟均有促进作用,其作用可能是通过颗粒细胞介导的。FSH improved nuclear andcytoplasmic maturation of COC and the effects was Mediated by cumulus cells.
- 无精性不育精浆锌酸性磷酸酶与血清FSH LH测定Zinc and Acid Phosphatase in Seminal Plasma and FSH and LH in Plasma of Azoospermia Infertility Men
- 内源性洋地黄样物质、FSH和LH与妊高征的关系The Relationship of EDLS,FSL and LH with PIH