- FAO member countries and flags 粮农组织成员国及旗帜
- The TCP is an instrument which enables FAO to respond rapidly to urgent needs for technical and emergency assistance in Member countries and to contribute to their capacity building. TCP是一种援助渠道,使得FAO能够迅速响应成员国对技术和紧急援助的迫切需求并促进其能力建设。
- N.Security Council member countries and Germany, the P-Five-Plus-One, in the meeting with Iranian envoy Saeed Jalili. 他将同欧盟外交事务主管索拉纳以及联合国安理会常任理事国和德国,即五加一集团的外交官一起出席与伊朗谈判代表贾利利举行的会议。
- By now there have been 135 member countries in GATT, and other 30 more countries and regions are seeking admission. 世界贸易组织现在已有135名成员国,还有30多个国家和地区正准备加入。
- China's entry into the WTO entitles it to the full trading rights of member countries and regions, of which there are currently 142. 世界贸易组织目前有142个成员国和地区,中国加入后,将会充分地享受贸易权利。
- What held them together was not country and flag, but unit cohesion. 凝聚其志者并非国家或旗帜,而是小团体凝聚力。
- Besides, china has provided active support to the member countries of IOC.More than 50 stadiums and gymnasiums have been built by china for more than 30 countries and regions. 此外,中国还积极支持奥委会其他成员国,为30多个国家和地区修建了50余座大型运动场和体育馆。
- Provisions on ICSID arbitration are commonly found in investment contracts between governments of member countries and investors from other member countries. ICSID各成员国政府与其他成员国投资者的投资合同中常常约定由ICSID仲裁管辖。
- Bands will be playing and flags waving. 迎接我们的将是乐队和飘舞的彩旗!
- Hence, it appears very important to strengthen legal cooperation between member countries and improve relevant rules of this free trade area as well as the dispute settlement mechanism. 从而,加强成员国法律合作,加快完善自贸区相关规则以及争端解决机制已显得十分重要。
- Bands will be playing and flags will be waving. 迎接我们的将是乐队和旌旗的飘扬。
- And you may add one more and very important objective: FRIENDSHIP within member countries and members of the hardware trade worldwide. 当然,我们还有一个非常重要的目标:那就是与我们的会员以及其他国家的五金协会建立友谊。
- IUPAP简介The International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP) was established in 1922 in Brussels with 13 Member countries and the first General Assembly was held in 1923 in Paris. 中国科学院院士、第三世界科学院院士和北京大学物理学教授陈佳洱先生最近当选为国际纯粹和应用物理联合会(IUPAP)副主席。
- High quality is always our slogan and flag. 高品质是我们永远的口号和旗帜。
- But the new administration has committed to be a full participant in nuclear contacts with Iran by the P5 Plus One, the 5 permanent U.N.Security Council member countries and Germany. 但是新政府已经承诺将与"5+1"积极参与和伊朗的谈判,“5+1”是指联合国安理会的5个常任理事国再加上德国。
- Diplomats of the five permanent U.N.Security Council member countries and Germany, the so-called P5+1, meeting in London Wednesday, invited Iran to join them in an upcoming discussion. 来自联合国5个常任理事国和德国,也就是通常所说的5+1集团的外交官星期三在伦敦会晤,已经邀请伊朗和他们一起进行讨论。
- They set off the room with coloured tapes and flags. 他们用彩色的纸条和旗帜把房间装饰起来。
- Pursuant to the Convention, ICSID provides facilities for the conciliation and arbitration of disputes between member countries and investors who qualify as nationals of other member countries. 依照公约,ICSID为调节、仲裁各参约成员国与亦参约的他国投资者之间的争端提供便利。
- If the banners and flags are shifted about, sedition is afoot. 旌旗动者,乱也;
- The current state of the processor's registers and flags. 处理器当前的状态和标志。