- A New Hot Pepper F1 Hybrid -'Ejiao No. 辣椒新品种鄂椒1号的选育。
- A New Hot Pepper F1 Hybrid -'Wanjiao No. 宛椒1号辣椒的选育。
- A New Hot Pepper F1 Hybrid -'Xinjianjiao No. 辣椒新品种新尖椒1号的选育。
- A New Sponge Gourd F1 Hybrid 'Zhusigua No. 早熟丝瓜驻丝瓜1号的选育。
- A New Summer Squash F1 Hybrid - 'Jinghu No. 西葫芦新品种京葫1号的选育。
- A New Summer Squash F1 Hybrid -'Chunyu No. 西葫芦新品种春玉1号的选育。
- A New Summer Squash F1 Hybrid -'Jihu No. 西葫芦新品种济葫1号的选育。
- A New Sweet Corn F1 Hybrid -'Fengtian No. 丰甜1号甜玉米的选育。
- Breeding of Hot Pepper F1 Hybrid 'Jiangshu No. 早熟大果辣椒新品种江蔬1号的选育。
- A new purple hot pepper F1 hybrid - ZiyanNo. 紫色辣椒新品种紫燕1号的选育。
- A New Salt-tolerant Asparagus F1 Hybrid -'Yansun No. 耐盐芦笋新品种盐笋1号的选育。
- Ovarian nurse cell polytene chromosomes of F1 hybrid females were examined, to observe any synapsis in different zones of chromosomes. 制作杂种 F1 卵巢营养细胞多线染色体标本, 观察染色体各区域的联会情况。
- When ordering for next year look for a F1 hybrid onion set 'Santero' from Thompson &Morgan.It's resistant to downy mildew. 下一年要找第一代杂交葱的话,就找托玛逊或马根号吧。
- They determined that F2 hybrids slightly outgrew the F1 hybrids. 他们认为杂种后F2代生长量稍大于F1代杂种。
- The induction frequencies of pollen callus and pollen plants in F2 hybrid plants was nuch higher than those in F1 hybrid p lants. F2杂种植株诱导愈伤组织和分化植株的频率均比F1杂种 明显提高。
- It was named AB91.Jiyan 5 is a sweet pepper F1 hybrid,obtained from crossing the genic male sterile line AB91 with inbred line JR. 以AB91为母本,以优良自交系JR为父本,选育成早熟、抗病、高产、优质的甜椒一代杂种冀研5号。
- Systematic relationship between Oryza sativa and other seven rice species with AA genome were analyzed based on their crossability and F1 hybrid fertility. 摘要从可交配性和F1杂种育性两方面对亚洲栽培稻与AA染色体组(以下简称AA组)其他7个稻种的系统关系进行了分析。
- Early maturity F1 hybrid with mild pungency, cannon shape fruit with single fruit weighting between100-160g, high resistant to TMV and Bacterial Wilt, standing better for transportation and storage. 早熟微辣型泡椒F1,果形锥牛角形;果长20-24厘米;果宽4.;8-5
- F1 hybrid has the morphological feature which is between the male and female parents and shoed strong heterosis, exuberant vitality, late ripe period and low rate of self-fertility. 杂种F1形态特征介于双亲之间,具有较强的杂种优势,生长旺盛,熟期晚,自交结实率较低。
- Early maturity F1 hybrid with mild pungency, cannon shape fruit with single fruit weighting between100-150g, resistant to TMV and Bacterial Wilt, standing better in transportation and storage.d. 早熟微辣型泡椒F1,果形锥牛角形,膨果速度快,果长20-22厘米;果宽4.;5-5