- Extremely ruthless or cruel. 野蛮的极其野蛮的,残忍的
- (usu male)person regarded with contempt;ruthless or cruel person (通常指男性)被人瞧不起的人,冷酷无情的人,残忍的人
- A fierce, brutal, or cruel person. 凶暴、粗野或残酷的人
- Characterized by extremely brutal or cruel crimes;vicious. 穷凶极恶的,罪大恶极的以极其残忍或毫无人性的罪恶为特征的;邪恶的
- Characterized by extremely brutal or cruel crimes; vicious. 穷凶极恶的,罪大恶极的以极其残忍或毫无人性的罪恶为特征的; 邪恶的
- No one would criticize them ruthless or impious. 因此,绝没有人会批评他们不孝及无情。
- To coerce in an unsympathetic or cruel way. 胁迫以不同情或残忍的方式胁迫
- To treat in a rough or cruel way; abuse. 虐待以粗暴或野蛮的方式对待;虐待
- Wanton or cruel killing; carnage. 血腥屠杀无理或残暴的杀害; 屠杀
- Such things happened, sad, comical, or cruel, depending on one's point of view. 诸如此类的事发生不少,是悲,是喜,还是残忍凶狠,那完全是见仁见智的问题了。
- Though I strongly disagreed with his economic and social policies, I thought he was a good man and nowhere near as ruthless or right-wing as most of the Reaganites. 尽管我和他在经济和社会政策方面有很大分歧,但我觉得他是一个好人,根本不像大多数里根的政府班子成员那样无情和右倾。
- It's not for a husband or wife to make such heartless (or cruel) remarks. 夫妻之间不要说这种绝情的话。
- To subdue harshly or cruelly; crush. 镇压严厉或残酷地压制;挤压
- Protects people against excessive or unreasonable fines or cruel and unusual punishment. 保护人民免于极端或不合理的罚款和残忍、不寻常的刑罚。
- A ruthless, cruel, harsh, or unrelenting act. 兽行暴行
- A ruthless speculator or adventurer. 冷酷的投机者或冒险家
- He is a shrewd and sometimes ruthless adversary. 他是个精明的、有时候冷酷无情的对手。
- Discrimination against, maltreatment of, or cruel treatment in any manner causing injury even death of women shall be prohibited. 禁止歧视、虐待、残害妇女。
- It may be, however, that in order to learn the lesson of building security in yourself you have drawn a dominating or even abusive or cruel parent. 然而,也许正是为了学习如何构建内在安全感的课程,你才会有这样独裁甚至残酷的父母。
- Extremely or excessively sensitive. 极度的或过分敏感的