- Bedgown, taking extremely mysterious temperament, belong to each glamorous night. 睡衣,带着无比神秘的气质,属于一个个迷人的夜晚。
- Be extremely mysterious, even to the point of soundlessness.Thereby you can be the director of the opponent's fate. 注意第二张图中卷首语引自孙子兵法,Be extremely subtle; even to the point formlessness.
- The enchanter is very mysterious. 魔法师非常神秘。
- Africa is a mysterious land to him. 对他来说,非洲是一片神秘的土地。
- The reward of this company is extremely bountiful. 这家公司的奖金是非常慷慨的。
- The mysterious sound made my flesh crawl. 那神秘的声音吓得我毛骨悚然。
- The mysterious sound made my flesh creep. 那神秘的声音吓得我毛骨悚然。
- He is being very mysterious about his future plans. 对自己未来的打算,他显得十分诡秘。
- This task is extremely difficult. 这项任务极其困难。
- A mysterious light came from the deserted house. 废弃的房屋里亮起了神秘的灯光。
- Professor Wu is extremely modest. 吴教授虚怀若谷。
- I found him extremely offensive. 我发现他非常令人讨厌。
- He is an extremely frank person. 他是个极其老实的人。
- The active boy was extremely distractible. 那好动的男孩极不专心。
- The cavalry is extremely majestic-looking. 这支骑兵部队非常威风凛凛。
- The plains of Alberta are extremely fertile. 艾伯塔平原极其肥沃。
- She was suffering a mysterious ebb and flow of mood. 她情绪一时高涨一时低落,令人捉摸不透。
- The city enveloped in snow looked so mysterious. 这座被白雪覆盖著的城市看上去非常神秘。
- The scene is laid in a forest surrounding a mysterious castle. 故事发生在森林深处一个神秘的城堡里。
- I found his manner extremely unpleasant. 我发现他的态度非常讨厌!