- Expert Weights of Evidence 专家证据权重法
- The weight of evidence against her is overwhelming. 对她不利的证据一边倒。
- The weight of evidence points toward the fish farms. 大量的证据指向渔场。
- The defendant was borne down by the weight of evidence. 有力的证据使被告认输了。
- But these arguments are now succumbing to sheer weight of evidence. 但是这些说法在强有力的证据面前正败下阵来。
- Corporal punishment must be abolished in trying criminals;the stress must be on the weight of evidence and confessions should not be taken on trust. 对任何犯人,应坚决废止肉刑,重证据而不轻信口供。
- The overwhelming weight of evidence that we have received is opposed to the introduction of contingency fees. 委员会所收到的绝大部分证据显示,均反对引入按判决金额收费。
- DuPont believes the weight of evidence indicates that PFOA exposure does not pose a health risk to the general public. 杜邦公司相信,目前所得到的证据显示,接触PFOA不会对公众构成健康风险。
- Lack of evidence resulted in their acquittal. 因证据不足而宣判他们无罪。
- The weight of evidence favors a continuation of dollar weakness into next week although short term dollar strength is a possibility. 重要的证据显示美元的弱势将持续进入到下周,尽管短期美元存在强势的可能性。
- He examined each piece of evidence in isolation. 他分别审查每一证据。
- The framework and the method of evaluation on mineral resources by weight of evidence based on SIG are introduced in detail. 阐述了基于SIG的证据权法矿产资源评价体系结构和方法,并以西南三江成矿带为示范区进行了铜矿资源预测评价。
- The results, reported in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, add to a weight of evidence on the health benefits of capsaicin. 此前有研究显示,红辣椒可以加快新陈代谢,对减肥有一定好处。
- The pillars have to support the weight of the roof. 这些柱子须承受屋顶的重量。
- He couldn't produce a scrap of evidence against it. 对於那件事他一点也提不出证据。
- The net weight of this jar of coffee is 180 grams. 这瓶咖啡净重180克。
- The judge dismissed the case for lack of evidence. 法官因缺乏证据而拒不受理这宗案件。
- Invalidity of evidence is the core question in system of time limit of adducing evidence.Essence of invalidity of evidence is to lose weight of proof. 证据失权是举证时限制度中最核心的问题,证据失权的本质是丧失证明权。
- The dam burst under the weight of water. 那水坝在水的压力下决口了。
- No matter the weight of evidence on the side of human-caused global warming, no matter the rather obvious danger we face, they find some reason that negates all of it. 无论用来证明是人类导致全球气候变暖的证据多么充足,无论我们正面对危险的事实是多么明白,他们会找些理由将其完全否决。