- A cafe and museum store are on-site. 设有餐厅和博物馆小卖部。
- Participation in exhibition and Travelling. 参加展览会及个人旅行服务。
- Client accepts the exhibition and pays off charge. 客户验收,收尾款。
- Exhibition and promotion of Thai specials. 展销泰国系列菜。
- What on DE-DAY Exhibition and DE-NIGHT Party? 展览猛料
- Guangzhou Bizhan Exhibition and Design Co. 广州笔展展览设计 有 限公司 是一家集室内设计装修、展览设计制作、品牌推广策划及终端展示工程为一体的综合性企业。
- A182 yr. old, restored, water wheel powered mill, and museum. 有182年的历史,是一所重修的水车动力磨坊和博物馆。
- The display falls between the two stools of an historical exhibition and a survey of modern fine arts. 这个展出两头落空。既不是历史展览,又非现代美术概观。
- The parking garage adjoins the city park and museum. 车库紧靠着城市花园和博物馆。
- Franchised store maily serves for exhibit and sale. 专卖店以展示及销售为主。
- Technique and processing practice, market investigation and study, visits to exhibitions and museums, studio project design, internship, graduation design and thesis. 生产实习、市场调研、展览和博物馆参观、工作室项目设计、服装企业实习、毕业设计论文等环节。
- The small symbols on this map denote historic places and museums. 这个地图上的小记号表示史迹兴博物馆。
- Exhibition and use of historical and cultural heritage. 历史文化遗产展示和利用。
- He seems to spend half his time hanging round art galleries and museums. 他一半的时间似乎是在美术馆和博物馆闲逛掉的。
- China will hold a large commemorative exhibition and a seminar. 中国将为此举行大型纪念展会和研讨会。
- Most of state leaders viewed the exhibit and spoke highly of them. 大多数国家的领导人看了全部展览品,都给予了高度赞扬。
- Norton County Historical Society and Museum - Includes local history articles, exhibit of artifacts, membership application and directory of related links. 易易工作室-各种在线工具,站长网志,以及多个应用项目。
- She worked in the IZU Teddy Bear Museum from 1997 to 2001, the main duty during the period were planning exhibition and editing museum magazine. 她在1997年至2001年,在日本伊豆小熊博物馆工作,主要负责策划、展览及写作杂志。
- I saw your... at the... Exhibition and should like to have the agent for... 在...展览会,见到你们的...我希望成为...的代理。
- The Design Museum in London has announced the shortlist for annual exhibition and awards program the Brit Insurance Design Awards . 设计博物馆在伦敦宣布入围的年度展览及奖励计划的英国保险设计奖 ...