- I have mastered the rudiments of economics. 我已精通经济学的基本原理。
- Exengy economics [火用]经济学
- Economics is easy after you learn the lingo. 在学了专门术语后经济学就简单了。
- He is distinguished for his knowledge of economics. 他以经济学方面的精湛学识而著称於世。
- She is studying economics at college. 她在大学里读经济学。
- The subject of Reaganomics is the supply-side economics. 雷根经济学的主题是供给面经济学。
- The economics of national growth are of great importance. 国民经济的增长情况具有极大的重要性。
- When they start talking about economics, I'm out of my depth. 他们一谈起经济学,我就一窍不通了。
- A knowledge of economics is fundamental to any understanding of this problem. 经济知识对于理解这个问题是至关重要的。
- A manager has to learn some economics if he wants to improve his management. 一个管理人员要想改善管理的话,就必须学点经济学。
- Economics and sociology are social sciences. 经济学和社会学都属于社会科学。
- I took up mathematics, shorthand and economics. 我选学了数学、速记和经济学。
- Economics is an inexact science. 经济学是一门不精确的科学。
- I am taking economics and mathematics. 我在攻读经济学和数学。
- Economics may dictate only a one-time treatment. 在经济上可能只限于一次治疗。
- I'm told you also have a degree in economics. 我听说你还得过经济学学位。
- He has written three books in economics. 他已写了三本经济学方面的书。
- DIY is not confined to economics and carpentry. 自助的不仅仅是经济学和木工。
- Walter registered for a course in economics. 沃尔特登记要选修经济学课程。
- Ho-Mou Wu Langrun Chair Professor of Economics. 巫和懋经济学教授(朗润讲座教授)。