- Excision of inner ear 内耳切除术
- EOL could improve the mic rocirculation of inner ear and have sedation effect. 耳鸣消口服液对耳鸣的治疗作用主要在于能改善内耳缺血缺氧状态和间接的镇静功能
- A common type of inner ear deafness seen in adults is that due to acoustic trauma. 在成人所见到的常见的内耳性聋是由于听力受到损伤的缘故。
- Cochlea is spiral-shaped part of the inner ear. 耳蜗是内耳里螺旋状的部分。
- High esolution CT and MRI are complementary in the study of inner ear malformation. 高分辨率CT和MRI是研究内耳畸形互补的检查方法。
- Bilateral vestibular disease is the relative contraindication for destructive procedures due to risk of complete loss of inner ear function (ie, ). 以下是引用岳文龙在2004-8-197:19:48的发言:我曾遇到几例双侧梅尼埃病的患者,经检查双侧前庭功能都低下,适合前庭神经切断术吗?
- A detecting system for the transformations of oxyhemoglobin(HbO2) and blood flow of inner ear was presented for the research of motion sickness. 提出了一种利用内耳血氧含量及血流量变化作为检测参数的测量系统。
- Objective:To investigating the submucosal structure of the endolymphatic sac (ES),so as to analyse the role of ES in the function of inner ear. 的:通过对豚鼠内淋巴囊表面的脉管及其粘膜下层结构的研究,了解其对内耳功能的影响。
- Objective To study the dynamic changes and the peak of transendothelial electrical resistance (TEER) of inner ear microvascular endothelial cells (EMEC) of guinea pigs. 目的 研究豚鼠内耳微血管内皮细胞跨细胞电阻的动态变化及峰值大小。
- Method: The capillary permeability of inner ear was compared between the normal group and the salicylate ototoxicity group traced with lanthanum by electron microscopy. 方法:采用硝酸镧作为示踪剂电镜下观察正常对照组与水杨酸钠组内耳基底膜螺旋血管、血管纹和内淋巴囊毛细血管的血管通透性。
- The surgical excision of one or both of the adrenal glands. 肾上腺切除术一个或一对肾上腺的外科切除手术
- After irradiation the animals were decapitated.The effect of laser treatment on the hair cells of inner ear was observed by scanning electron microscopy. 术后动物断头处死,利用扫描电镜技术观察激光照射对内耳感受器毛细胞的影响。
- We have used the animal model of inner ear ischemia by temporary clamping of the labyrinthine artery in the study of pathogenesis and treatment of sudden deafness. 动物实验将天竺鼠迷路动脉暂时钳夹造成内耳暂时缺血的模式可以应用于突发性耳聋的致病机转及药物治疗的研究。
- The excision of the clause has been decided. 已经决定删除这个条款。
- Surgical excision of a lobe, as of the lung. 叶切除术用外科手术切除叶,如肺叶
- After PMA induced in vitro, the expression of ERX2 changed indicating they involve in the proliferation of vestibular cells ,PKC and MAPK (mitogen activated protein kinase) may be important in proliferation/ differentiation of hair cells of inner ear. 要作用。 本试验结果表明,在PMA诱导下,PKC及丝裂原活化蛋白激酶(mitogen砒DVat印DrO屹mh刊凹C,川m上m 衣坯羽反王父化,别肥唱阻,促不仕别涎降支上皮生长及分化过程中,PKC及MAPK可能起着重要的作用。
- Excision of an obnoxious passage was required. 有一段引起反感的文字必须删掉。
- Surgical excision of a lobe,as of the lung. 叶切除术用外科手术切除叶,如肺叶
- Surgical excision of part or all of the stomach. 胃切除术胃全部或部分切除的手术
- Surgical excision of subcutaneous fatty tissue. 脂肪切除术切除皮下脂肪组织的外科手术