- Evildoers are in power. 坏人当道。
- China is a country where the people are in power. 中国是个人民掌权的国家。
- Even if you are in power, you can not bully others. 就算你有了权力也不要借势欺人。
- The tables are turned now that the Republicans are in power! 局面扭转过来了现在是共和党执政。
- Politicians promise the earth before an election, but things are different once they are in power. 政治家在选举前空口许愿,一旦上台就根本不是那麽回事了。
- Powerful officials [ministers] are in power. 权臣用事。
- Which federal political party or parties are in power? 现在由哪个政党掌权?
- What revolution? You guys are in power we are the revolution now. 什么革命?你们工党在台上,我们才要革命呢。
- You who are in power have only the means that money produces. 你们当权的人所有的只是金钱能买到的东西。
- The members of a social organization who are in power. 一个当权的社会组织的成员。
- Evildoers are bound to be punished in the end. 做坏事的人到头来总会遭报应的。
- Most people didn't want him to be in power any longer. 大多数人不愿他再当权。
- What does it mean for a political party to be in power? 一个政党执政是指什么意思?
- Labour has/have been in power for five years. 工党已执政五年。
- The present regime has been in power for two years. 现政权已经执政两年了。
- The Socialists were in power in Westminster. 在威斯敏斯特是社会党得势。
- But for all practical purposes, the centre has been in power ever since I can remember. 但是实际上,这个中心打我记事起就开始行使权力了。
- Second,we should be more prudent now that we are in power. 第二,我们拿到这个权以后,就要谨慎。
- The Conservative Party had been in power for just forty months. 保守党执政时间仅有三年零四个月。
- Second, we should be more prudent now that we are in power. 第二,我们拿到这个权以后,就要谨慎。