- Evil weed is soon grown. 恶疾易染,恶习易传。
- That which is evil is soon learnt. 恶行易学。
- A weed is only a misplaced plant. 杂草只不过是长错地方罢了。
- A vacation flying by; youth that is soon flown. 匆匆飞逝的假期; 稍纵即逝的青春
- This weed is gonna be the death of me. 这种烟草会要我的命了。
- I tried to build a house of cards but is soon toppled down. 我试着用纸牌搭房子,但搭起来的房子一下就散塌了。
- Don't worry, he'll soon grow out of wanting to be a fireman. 别担心,他很快会不喜欢当消防员了。
- The rabble soon grew violent and unmanageable. 暴民们很快地变得狂暴和无法控制。
- She has a hot temper, but you will soon grow to like her. 她脾气躁,但不久你就会喜欢她了。
- Today's news goes into the ether and is soon forgotten. 今天的新闻广播听後不久即置於脑後了。
- The difference between a flower and a weed is a judgement. 鲜花和杂草的区别只是一个判断而已。
- Despite the hardness of his bed, he is soon sleeping soundly. 虽然床很硬,他还是很快地睡熟了。
- You will soon grow out of your fear of other boys . 你将很快摆脱其它男孩子带给你的恐惧感。
- A good name is sooner lost than won. [谚]美名易失,不易得。
- Saving regularly soon grows on you. 定期储蓄很快就会使你养成习惯。
- He'll soon grow out of wetting the bed. 他大些就会很快改掉尿床的毛病的。
- Keep up your German, else it will soon grow rusty. 继续学习你的德语,否则你的德语不久即会生疏。
- A stick is soon found to beat a dog with. 打狗不愁找不到棍子
- A mouse that has but one hole is soon caught. 鼠栖一洞易被擒。
- Keep up your German,else it will soon grow rusty. 继续学习你的德语,否则你的德语不久即会生疏。