- Everything has its limit, including sorrow. 万物皆有定数,包括悲伤。
- Everything has its limits. 事物都有限度。
- I must tell you that his patience has its limit. 我必须告诉你,他的耐心是有限的。
- Everything has its good and bad sides. 事物都是一分为二的。
- However,everything has its negtive side! 然而,每件事情都有它的对立面!
- Individual conscientiousness has its limits. 个人觉悟是有界限的。
- Every form of art has its limitations. 每种艺术形式都有本身的局限。
- Everything has its time and that time must be watched. 万物皆有时,时来不可失。
- But focusing on how the best produce the best has its limits. 但把目光限于最优如何生产出最优有其局限。
- Capitalism's ability to take things downmarket also has its limits. 资本主义使事物低档化的能力也有其限度。
- Everything divides into two.; Everything has its good and bad sides. 事物都是一分为二的。
- The Turing test obviously has its limitations. 显然,图灵测试也有其局限性。
- Hollow Ones: It's a Black Celebration. Morbidity has its limits, though. 颓废者:这是黑暗的庆典,但是即使颓败也有个极限。
- Electronic commerce, is seems, still has its limits, even in California. 看来即使在加州,电子商务也存在着局限。
- In the beginning God; that is where it begins. Everything has its beginnings in God. 起初,神一切从这儿开始,所有事物的起初都在神里。
- The difference between Stupidity and Genius is that Genius has its limits. 天才和愚蠢的区别是天才有它的局限性。
- A broken dream can become the foundation of a wonderful future. Everything has its place. 一个梦想的破灭会成为美好未来的基石。万物皆有道!
- The market is unplanned and has its limitations. 市场也有盲目性和局限性。
- Everything has its drawbacks. 凡事都有不足之处。