- Everyone should learn to cook. 人人都应该学会做饭。
- Everyone should learn to indemnify oneself against harm. 每个人都应当学会保护自己不受伤害。
- Everyone should learn to tell right from wrong. 每个人都要学会辨别是非。
- Everyone who takes up sailing should learn to box the compass. 每一个从事航海的人都应该学会依次列举罗盘方位。
- Everyone should learn how to defend himself by the lawful means. 每个人都应该学会利用合法的手段保护自己。
- You should learn to be independent of your parents. 你应该学习不要依赖父母。
- 43. Everyone should learn to tell right from wrong. 每个人都要学会辨别是非。
- You should learn to be patient of pains. 你应该学会忍受痛苦。
- I'm learning to cook, just for the fun of it. 我正在学做饭,做著玩儿而已。
- A child should learn to tell it as it is. 孩子应该学会实事求是地讲话。
- You should learn to keep your temper under control. 你应该学会控制自己的脾气。
- How did you learn to cook western food then? 那你是怎样学会做西餐的呢?
- They learn to cook by experience. 都是凭经验做的。
- Our politicians should learn to cater for the man in the street. 我们的政治家要学会投合广大普通群众的需要。
- 1. Everyone should learn to indemnify oneself against harm. 每个人都应当,学会使自己不受伤害。
- Learn to cook, braise yourself soup. 学会做几个好菜。周末给自己炖汤。
- And I think everyone should learn standard American English. 我觉得人人都应该说一口标准的美式英语。
- I'm learning to cook,just for the fun of it. 我正在学做饭,做著玩儿而已。
- Everyone should learn to do housework. Don't you agree, boys and girls 指明方向,激励读者
- I'm learning to cook, just for fun of it. 我正在学做饭,做着玩儿而已。