- Every thing was in good trim. 一切都井井有条。
- He was in good trim when I saw him. 我见到他时他很健康。
- Every thing was in a muddle and I could't find what I wanted. 所有东西都乱作一团,我找不着我想要的东西。
- Don't worry, every thing will be attended to in good time. 别担心,一切都会及时得到照料的。
- Don't worry,every thing will be attended to in good time. 别担心,一切都会及时得到照料的。
- If we can pull through this recession, we will be in good shape. 如果我们能渡过这段经济不景气的时间,我们就会好多了。
- And the country appear'd so fresh, so green, so flourishing, every thing being in a constant verdure, or flourish of spring, that it looked like a planted garden. 眼前一片清新翠绿,欣欣向荣,一派春天气象;周围景色犹如一个人工花园。
- No problem, but everything shall be in good order. 没问题,但是一切都应该井然有序。
- Although Tom was younger, he was in good with the old boys. 我们意识到他讲那番话是出于诚意的。
- The crow wish'd every thing was black, the owl that every thing was white. 乌鸦希望一切皆黑,猫头鹰则希望一切皆白。
- The old man appears to be in good health. 这位老人显得健康。
- She asked me whether we liked our new department,and I told her that so far every thing was hunky - dory. 她问我是否喜欢我的新公寓,我告诉她,到目前为止一切都十分满意。
- Every day is the secret of being in good health. 每天锻炼是身体健康的秘密。
- The piano was in good condition. 这台钢琴状况良好。
- My little daughter asked my husband to carry her to the park,and after that every thing was as right as rain. 我的小女儿要我丈夫带她去公园,她才不再闹腾了。
- That cow of his appears to be in good case. 那头母牛看上去很健壮。
- She asked me whether we liked our new department,and I told her that so far every thing was hunky-dory. 她问我是否喜欢我的新公寓,我告诉她,到目前为止一切都十分满意。
- She seemed to be in good health. 她看上去身体健康。
- She asked me whether we liked our new department, and I told her that so far every thing was hunky - dory. 她问我是否喜欢我的新公寓,我告诉她,到目前为止一切都十分满意。
- The car was old, yet it was in good condition. 这辆车很旧,但处于良好状态。