- Even the Chio Tofu? 甚至是臭豆腐?
- Even the best quality rubber will perish with age. 就是最佳质量的橡胶也会因老化而腐烂。
- Even the town council is now feeling the pinch. 连市政府目前都感到经费困难。
- Be careful what you say; even the walls have ears! 说话要小心,隔墙有耳啊!
- Even the cheapest was priced at 5. 即使最便宜的也标价5英镑。
- Constant rubbing will fray even the thickest rope. 再粗的绳子也经不住总磨。
- Even the racialist find it difficult to make out a case for apartheid. 甚至种族主义者也很难提出有利于种族隔离的理由。
- In the evening the rosy clouds were gorgeous. 傍晚的云霞绚丽多彩。
- Except for Chio Tofu. 除了臭豆腐之外。
- Not even the thickest jacket was enough to keep out the cold. 就连最厚的夹克也不足以御寒。
- One evening the school showed a cowboy film. 有天晚上学校放映了一部牛仔片。
- Even the ones who understand may nod sagely. 即使对方知道这一点,也会一本正经地点头同意。
- Even the best of us make mistakes. 即便是最能干的人也会出错。
- Even the best of men ignored that simple rule. 甚至最优秀的人也忽略了那条简单的规则。
- His crude master grudged him even the food he ate. 他那残忍的主人甚至连他的食物也不愿给他。
- Even the expert took it for a genuine antique. 连专家都以为这是一件货真价实的古董。
- Even the expert took it for a genuine antique . 连专家都以为这是一件货真价实的古董。
- His cruel master grudged him even the food he ate . 他那残忍的主人甚至连他吃的食物也不大愿意给他。
- This trip will season even the hardiest traveller. 这个旅行会让最坚硬的旅行者适应。
- Even the benchmark for being ranked dropped. 更甚的是,连进入排名的标准也随之降低了。