- Euryale asperan. 糙蔓蛇尾
- Achyranthes aspera L.var.rubrofusca Hook.f. 红褐粗毛牛膝
- Achyranthes aspera var.indica L. 钝头牛膝
- What makes tick off Gorgon euryale? 什麽叫勾芡?
- All are perennial except those in the genus Euryale. 睡莲科淡水植物的统称,有8属,原产于温带和热带。
- Gordon euryale is a rare plant which can be used as a medicine. 鸡头米可做药用,是一种很稀有的植物。
- The soup becomes thick and sticky when mixed with powder of Gorgon Euryale seeds. 做汤时放些芡粉会使汤变得粘稠。
- Objective To optimize the preparation procedure of oral spray of compound Achyranthes aspera. 目的制备醋酸地塞米松喷雾剂并建立质量控制方法。
- In B. aspera, NAR was positively correlated with RGR, whereas SLA was negatively correlated with RGR. 刺果藤的RGR与NAR呈显著的正相关, 而与SLA存在显著的负相关。
- Objective To investigate the thermosensitivity effect of achyranthes aspera on cervical cancer cells. 目的观察土牛膝液对宫颈癌热敏感性的影响。
- Any of the three sisters Stheno, Euryale, and the mortal Medusa who had snakes for hair and eyes that if looked into turned the beholder into stone. 戈耳贡斯塞诺、尤里安勒和人形的可怕的梅杜萨三姐妹中的任何一个,梅杜萨以毒蛇为头发,凡看到她眼睛的人都会变为石头
- Euryale ferox used to thin, with both the raw materials Ruwei, but not to conceal their true color as well. 用芡宜薄,以既能使原料入味,而又不掩盖其本色为好。
- Gorgons.Female monsters;Euryale, Medusa, and Stheno;had snakes for hair;their glances turned mortals to stone. 是三个人,百度上搜的没翻译全,这里有英文的可以看一下。
- Definition: Gordon Euryale Seed is the dried kernel of ripe seed of Euryale ferox Salisb. (Fam.Nymphaeaceae). 本品为睡莲科植物芡 Euryale ferox Salisb.;的干燥成熟种仁。
- When the two species were grown under the same conditions, B. tenuiflora often showed significantly higher RGR than B. aspera. 在相同光照强度和土壤养分条件下, 卷须缠绕种薄叶羊蹄甲的RGR显著高于茎缠绕种刺果藤。
- Add to Zhenglong to heat, with vegetables in the rural side dish, and then Euryale ferox Liu Lin Shang. 放入蒸笼回热,郊菜伴于碟边,再将芡料淋上。
- B. tenuiflora showed higher physio- and morphological plasticity in response to light and soil nutrient gradient than B. aspera. 上述结果表明, 与土壤养分相比, 光照强度可能是决定木质藤本分布更为重要的生态因子。
- Any of the three sisters Stheno,Euryale,and the mortal Medusa who had snakes for hair and eyes that if looked into turned the beholder into stone. 戈耳贡斯塞诺、尤里安勒和人形的可怕的梅杜萨三姐妹中的任何一个,梅杜萨以毒蛇为头发,凡看到她眼睛的人都会变为石头。
- Abstract The contents of oleanolic acid in the root of Achyranthes bidentata and A. aspera from different placesof production have been determined by dual-wavelengh TLC-scanning. 摘要采用薄层扫描法对不同产地的栽培牛膝及土牛膝所含的齐墩果酸进行了含量测定。