- European exchange options 欧式交换期权
- By applying the martingale pricing method in a world in which the logarithmic normal diffuse processes are expressed risk-neutral,we get European exchange rate call option related with the stock. 将对数正态扩散过程表达的随机过程转化为风险中性,并在此条件下用鞅定价方法推导出与股票相关联的欧式汇率买入期权的价格公式。
- The New York Stock Exchange is buying Euronext, a big European exchange, and sounding out the Tokyo bourse. 纽约证交所正在购买欧洲证券市场的部分股权,同时也在触及日经交易领域。
- Because the European exchange was so unstable, Soames insisted that the report to the stockholders be detailed. 由于欧洲汇兑行市极不稳定,索姆斯坚决要求对股东必须提出详细的报告。
- HK) shareholders last Friday through to the parent company, CITIC Group issued convertible bonds, and the transfer of most of the accumulated foreign exchange options contracts . HK)股东上周五通过;向母公司中信集团发可换股债券;及转让大部分外汇累计期权合约的计划.
- The other trainees, you know, they went to fancy boarding schools and European exchange programs. 其他学员,大家都知道,他们去寄宿学校和欧洲的交流计划。
- Exchange rate stability, meaning that for at least 2 years the currency has kept within the "normal" fluctuation margins of European Exchange Rate Mechanism (ERM). 汇率的稳定性是指,至少在两年以内,现行货币的波动水平维持在欧洲汇率机制的正常范围之内。
- Exchange rate stability,meaning that for at least 2 years the currency has kept within the "normal" fluctuation margins of European Exchange Rate Mechanism (ERM). 汇率的稳定性是指,至少在两年以内,现行货币的波动水平维持在欧洲汇率机制的正常范围之内。
- Do you need to take advantage of our Inter-Island Vehicle Exchange option?* Select YES if you require to take advantage of our free Picton/Wellington or Wellington/Picton vehicle exchange. (请问您是否需要我们提供您南北岛之间的交接车辆服务) 选择”是”;您将可以免费享受从威灵顿/皮克顿到皮克顿/威灵顿之间的交接车辆的服务.
- With a dim dissociation, as if I were receiving reports from a distant planet, I heard that the Danes had rejected the European Exchange Rate Mechanism and that there was to be a memorial concert for Freddie Mercury at Wembley. 我有点迷失,仿佛我正在一个遥远的星球接收报告,我听到丹麦人否决了欧洲汇率机制,以及要为弗雷迪?摩克瑞(“皇后乐队”主唱)在温布利举行纪念演唱会的消息。
- And in 1989, even more controversially, he returned to help her in a dispute with her chancellor, Nigel Lawson, who wanted sterling to join the European Exchange Rate Mechanism, a prelude to the euro. 第二次是在1989年,这次他引起了更大的争议:撒切尔夫人同财长尼格尔.;劳森争执不下,后者希望让英镑加入欧洲汇率机制,也就是后来欧元的雏形,而艾伦爵士站到了撒切尔一方。
- Sensibility Analysis About Foreign Exchange Option 外汇期权敏感性分析
- EEA; European Exchange Centre on Gerontology; 欧洲老年学交流中心;
- European Exchange Rate Mechanismph. 欧洲汇率制
- A Pricing Model of Convertible Bond in Light of Exchange Option 可转换债券的交换期权定价模型
- Foreign Exchange Option Pricing with Transaction Costs 支付交易费用的外汇期权定价
- There are many clans in European countries. 欧洲国家有很多党派。
- Chinese cuisine is very different from European. 中国烹饪与欧洲烹饪有很大区别。
- The tour took in six European capitals. 那次观光包括欧洲六个国家的首都。
- France knocked Belgium out (of the European Cup). 法国队将比利时队淘汰(出欧洲杯足球赛)了。