- Research on Character of Goals of Final Stage in 2004 European Soccer Championship 对2004年欧洲足球锦标赛决赛阶段进球特征的研究
- Statistics and Analysis of Goals of Each Team in Final Phase in 12th European Soccer Championship 第12届欧洲足球锦标赛决赛阶段各队进球统计与分析
- European Soccer Championship 欧洲足球锦标赛
- Interestingly, the last time the French won a major soccer championship was also when it played host to the European Championship in 1984. 值得注意的是法国上一次夺得主要的足球桂冠,是1984年自己家门口举行欧洲杯的时候。
- Interestingly,the last time the French won a major soccer championship was also when it played host to the European Championship in 1984. 值得注意的是法国上一次夺得主要的足球桂冠,是1984年自己家门口举行欧洲杯的时候。
- European Cup Soccer Championship 2004 2004年欧洲杯足球赛
- Kooora.com: All about soccer, mostly European soccer where teams show sponsored Beer and wine ads on their Shirts. 讨论足球的网站。大部分讨论啤酒商赞助以及球队衣上有酒类广告的欧洲球队。
- European soccer association executive committee the conference present France Bordeaux is holding. 欧足联执委会议目前正在法国波尔多举行。
- However, Fontaine obsessed with football, and joined the Moroccan team Malakeshi local, in the first year and won the national youth soccer championship. 但方丹迷上了足球,并加入了摩洛哥当地的马拉科什队,并在第一年就夺得了全国少年足球冠军。
- The NBA is succeeding in China where other sports properties like the NFL, MLB and top European soccer clubs have stumbled. NBA是其他运动如NFL,MLB和欧洲联赛俱乐部遭挫折后跟进的。
- Szymanski, an economics professor at City University London, and Ross, a law professor at Penn State, borrowed their model from European soccer. 伦敦城市大学经济学教授西曼斯基和宾夕法尼亚州立大学法学教授罗斯借用了欧洲足球联赛的模式。
- Terry Pan , goalkeeper of Yugoslavia thatch, one of soccer championship of October of 1980 Among the of match, peer into the other side goal one ball from 92 distant place, is it force open the door the most far world record so far to become. 南斯拉夫队门将潘特利茨,于1980年10月的足球锦标赛的一场比赛中,从92米远处射进对方球门一球,成为迄今破门最远的世界纪录。
- Facing the partial media and the soccer public figure questioned own fame, just won the European soccer golden ball award Karner Warro to say in secret: "This is not my mistake. 面对部分媒体和足球人士质疑自己的名气,刚刚获得欧洲足球金球奖的卡纳瓦罗私下里说:“这不是我的错。
- Campaign for at the beginning of 2007 European soccer association presidents, he was also precisely relies on this move of Assassin's mace to defeat Johannsen to be elected. 在2007年初的欧足联主席竞选中,他也正是凭借这招杀手锏击败约翰森当选。
- "At times, it's as though a European soccer game has broken out what with the way players fall flailing to the floor only to get up seconds later and sprint back up the court. 这将会和欧洲足球对假摔采取措施达到一样的效果,当球员有时手舞足蹈般摔在草皮上,他们能做的只是很快爬起来然后冲回自己的半场。
- The World Cup Soccer Championship 世界杯英式足球锦标赛
- But stirs together also has Seville, they planned that the hot thorn contrary dug Ramos's matter last year to the European soccer association and International Soccer Association prosecution. 而一同搅进来的还有塞维利亚,他们打算向欧足联和国际足联起诉去年热刺违规挖走拉莫斯的事情。
- 2004European Soccer Championship 2004年欧洲足球锦标赛
- The European soccer association believed that this item “the historicity” the reform will give these European soccer middle reaches country to provide demonstrates own opportunity much. 欧足联认为,这项“历史性”改革将给那些欧洲足球中游国家提供更多展示自己的机会。
- I've set my sights on winning the championship. 我下定决心要赢得冠军。