- European Rapid Train System 欧洲速成训练系统
- The bus system and train system are really good. 公共交通系统和铁路系统非常发达。
- The bus system and train system are relly good. 公共交通系统和铁路系统非常发达。
- I am a highly trained system analyst. 我是受过严格培训的系统分析员。
- Build and maintain personnel training system. 形成和维护人员培训体系。
- What level is LZ Youth Training System? LZ的青训设施等级是多少?
- A high-speed train system connects the larger cities. Roads are still used for cars and many people ride horses and bikes. 高速铁路交通连接着大城市。汽车仍然使用公路,很多人骑单车或者骑马。
- The 1920 National Defense Act defined the training system. 1920年颁布的《国防法》,以法律的形式将这一体制正式确立下来。
- Found in 1905, KNORR-BREMSE has grown rapidly and become a World leading Supplier in Main Line and Mass Transit brake system and onboard train system. 克诺尔成立于1905年,现已迅速发展为一个在主干线、城市轨道交通的制动系统以及铁路系统产品方面位于世界领先地位的供应商。
- The wish be used ases the subject, form of this thesis my viewpoint to train system developments to new employee its with the standpoint. 愿把它作为这篇论文的立意,阐述我对新员工培训体系建设的看法和观点。
- A sleeping car on a European railroad train. 铁路卧车欧洲铁路上的可以睡眠的车
- Knowledge of varied training systems. 了解不同的培训体系。
- However, aerodynamic problems accompanied by the speed-up of train system are, receiving a considerable attention as practical engineering issues that should be urgently resolved. 随着列车高速化发展所引起的空气动力学问题作为亟待解决的实际工程课题而倍受关注。
- The ultramodern Delhi Metro train system is the most celebrated instance of a program that has consistently beaten time targets and stayed closed to budget. 超现代化的德里地铁是最值得称道的例子,这项大型工程的工期和预算均在计划之内实现。
- Zhengzhou in Henan province is the main artery of the national train system, with various roads leading to all directions and with very convenient transportation. 河南郑州是全国的铁路大动脉,康衢交通非常便捷。
- The sniper snapped off six rapid shots. 狙击手迅速地连放了六枪。
- Childhood is a period of rapid growth. 幼年是生长迅速的时期。
- A flexible education and training system can encourage lifelong learning. 灵活的教育和培训制度可鼓励终生学习。
- As many as 49 per cent of the 500,000 people who use the city train system daily are women, Flores said. The regional train system transport another 400,000 people. 佛洛瑞斯说,每天使用该市火车系统的50万人中,妇女佔49%25。区域火车系统还为另外40万人提供运输服务。
- He made rapid progress in his studies. 他学习上进步很快。