- European Procurement Agency 欧洲采购局
- No procurement agency may fish for unlawful interests by offering bribes to the purchaser or by any other unfair means. 采购代理机构不得以向采购人行贿或者采取其他不正当手段谋取非法利益。
- The purchase plan and selection of procurement agency shall be reported to the Ministry of Finance for archival purposes. 采购计划、采购代理机构的选择应当报财政部备案。
- The French defence procurement agency (DGA) has selected Thales at the beginning of 2007 for the preparation of the future SOCRATE NG military telecommunication network. 2007年初,法国国防采办局(DGA)选择了泰利斯公司,为未来SOCRATE NG 军事电信网络进行准备。
- Procurement unit leadership, the oversight body for procurement management personnel, procurement agency malicious collusive tendering, bidding to leave, corrupt transactions. 采购单位领导、招标采购管理监督机构有关人员、招标采购代理机构恶意串通,搞假招标,进行腐败交易。
- The procurement agency mentioned in the preceding paragraph means an institution of centralized procurement or any other lawfully accredited procurement agency. 前款所称采购代理机构,是指集中采购机构和依法经认定资格的其他采购代理机构。
- If the contract is concluded by the procurement agency on behalf of the purchaser, a letter of authorization shall be provided as an annex to the contract. 由采购代理机构以采购人名义签订合同的,应当提交采购人的授权委托书,作为合同附件。
- No unit or person may designate a procuratorial agency for the tenderer in any form. 任何单位和个人不得以任何方式为招标人指定招标代理机构。
- We have very good connections with the procurement agencies and government enterprises. 本公司与采购机构以及国营企业有良好的合作关系。
- Defense Materials Procurement Agency 国防物资采购局
- Headquarters of Procurement Agency 采购署总部
- No unit or person may compel the tenderer to authorize a procuratorial agency to carry out the tender. 任何单位和个人不得强制其委托招标代理机构办理招标事宜。
- The purchaser may entrust procurement agencies to enter into government procurement contracts with providers on their behalf. 采购人可以委托采购代理机构代表其与供应商签订政府采购合同。
- United States Army Los Angels Procurement Agency 美国陆军洛杉矶采购局
- United States Army Procurement Agency Hawaii 夏威夷美陆军采购局
- Atenderer shall have the right to choose, on his own, a procuratorial agency and authorize it to carry out the tender. 第十二条招标人有权自行选择招标代理机构,委托其办理招标事宜。
- The term “procurement agencies” as mentioned in the preceding paragraph refers to the central purchasing institutions and other lawfully accredited purchasing institutions. 前款所称采购代理机构,是指集中采购机构和依法经认定资格的其他采购代理机构。
- There are many clans in European countries. 欧洲国家有很多党派。
- Chinese cuisine is very different from European. 中国烹饪与欧洲烹饪有很大区别。
- United States Army Korean Procurement Agency 美驻韩国陆军采购局