- European Political Community 欧洲政治委员会
- Remain skeptical about the European political and economic unity. 对欧洲的政治经济一体化保持怀疑的态度。
- At the same time the argument on European political union continues. 与此同时,有关欧洲政治同盟的辩论仍在继续。
- Give an account of the European political and economic cooperation. Trace its development from 1949-1970. 试解释1949年至1970年欧洲政治和经济合作的原因及述其发展经过.
- The political community is composed of a number of diverse economic and functional groups. 政治共同体由一系列在经济上和功能上不同的团体组成。
- In such societies the building of a political community goes hand in hand with the acceptance of democratic ideals. 在这样的社会里,政治社会的建议和民主理想的承受,是携手并进的。
- In acceding to the EU in 1973 we made clear our recognition that European political integration was essential if Europe and Ireland were to maintain economic and social progress. 在1973年加入欧盟时,我们已经很清醒的认识到如果欧洲和爱尔兰想要保持经济发展和社会进步,那么欧洲国家的政治一体化是非常必要的。
- This chapter briefly surveys the current state of European politics. 本章对欧洲政治的现状作了简略概述。
- Karl W. Deutsch, ed., Political Community and the North Atlantic Area: International Organization in the Light of Historical Experience(New York: Greenwood Press, 1957), p.36. 薛晓源,〈全球化时代:我们为何?〉,李惠斌主编,《全球化与现代性批判》(桂林:广西师范大学出版社,2003年),页1-4。
- Nowadays, the individuals start gathering toward the tiny political community and shaping the groups from "the cellularized state" in the social transformation in China. 福街草根民间商会虽然游离于相关法规之外。但获得了地方政府与民间社会广泛认同;
- Zhou peppered me with questions about European politics, policies, and personalities. 周就欧洲的政治、政策和人物向我提出不少问题。
- After that he frequently visited the library of the British Museum to study European politics and political thought, particularly socialism and Marxism. 事件平息后,中山先生留在英国研究,经常造访大英博物馆的图书室,研读欧洲政治概况与政治思想,并特别考察了流行于当时的社会主义与马克思主义思潮。
- We consider these rights to be universal, a codification of liberty's meaning, constraining all levels of government and applicable to all people within the boundaries of our political community. 我们视这些权利为普遍通用的,是自由权利的意义的法律成文化,约束政府各级机关,并且适用于在我们政治共同体的边界之内的所有人民。
- An equilibrious foreign relation is a traditional British foreign policy, which has greatly influenced the British society and the European politics. 均势外交是英国传统的外交政策,它对英国社会和欧洲政治都产生巨大影响。
- All in all, only by fully excavating and allocating present political resource scientifically and rationally, the sustainable development of the political community can be achieved better. 只有充分挖掘并优化配置现有政治资源,才能更好地实现政治共同体的可持续发展。
- By abdicating the centre of European politics for the fringe, the Tories have convinced many in Europe that they can legitimately be ignored. 保守党已经通过使欧洲政治从中心退居边缘地样的方式说明了大部分欧洲政党他们可以被堂而皇之地被忽略了。
- APPLIED COMMUNICATION - Includes Health Communication, Political Communication, and Public Relations. 一。应用传播学:包括健康传播学,政治传播学,公共关系学。
- Western European political parties 西欧政党
- The final sections on political communication synthesize material from news and advertising, as both are involved in political communication. 在对新闻的研究案例中,我们首先观察其内容,然后研究其影响,最后探求新闻媒体是如何被影响的。
- A mountainous republic in central Europe; under the Hapsburgs (1278-1918) Austria maintained control of the Holy Roman Empire and was a leader in European politics until the 19th century. 欧洲中部的一个多山的共和国;在哈布斯王朝时期,奥地利统治了神圣罗马帝国。直到十九世纪,一直是欧洲政治的领导。