- European Free Exchange Area 欧洲自由贸易区
- The Internet provides an amazing forum for the free exchange of ideas. 因特网为人们自由交流思想提供了一个惊人的讲坛。
- It provide an open forum for the free exchange of ideas concerning hypnotism. 公会提供一个公开的论坛以供大众免费交换有关催眠学的想法。
- EFTA is an abbreviation for the European Free Trade Association of which Iceland is a Member State. EFTA是欧洲自由贸易协会的简称,冰岛为其成员国。
- Heat exchange area is reduced and large size superheated steam boil... 而且该法蒸馏松脂无三废产生,是一种清洁的生产方法。
- On the other hand, Liechtenstein is a signatory partner of the European Free Market, while Switzerland isn't. 另一方面,列支敦士登也是欧洲自由市场条约的签字人之一,但瑞士却没有签。
- EFTA European Free Trade Area (Association) 欧洲自由贸易区(协会)
- The eight members of European Free trade Association and our country appeal to WTO because America imposes high tariff on imported steel. 我国和欧盟等8个成员方就美国启用201条款对进口钢材 征收高额关税向WTO申诉。
- International organizations such as the WTO and EFTA (European Free Trade Association) regulate tariffs and reduce trade restrictions between member countries. 而国际性组织,例如WTO和EFTA(欧洲自由贸易协会)对其成员国的关税和及贸易限制都有相关调节。
- They're all characterized by the free exchange of turns among the two participants. 它们涉及到参与者的自由交流
- Each group has its own group home page, file exchange area, discussion forum, chat room, group email list, assessments and shared calendar. 每个组具有各自的主页、文件交流区、论坛、聊天室、邮件列表、共享日历。
- Yet free prices, free exchange rates, free trade, free labour markets and privatisation have proved a colossal success. 尽管如此,自由定价、自由汇率、自由贸易、自由的劳动力市场及私有化已取得巨大成功。
- The acid temperature was lowered down by parallelly installing a spare acid cooler to increase heat exchange area and a good econo... 通过并联闲置的酸冷却器,增加换热面积,降低了一吸酸温,收到良好的经济效益。
- Based on the conception of zonal method, the total radiant exchange area for flame zone to surface zone of the diesel in-cylinder was derived. 从段法基本概念出发,推得了柴油机缸内火焰段对整个缸壁段的辐射全交换面积计算式,并以此为基础给出了缸内辐射传热的单区段法模型。
- On the contrary, mandatory registration of online publications might stifle the free exchange of ideas, opinions, and information on the Internet. 反而,如果强制要求网上出版物必须通过政府的许可,将会使网络上的思想、见、及信息的自由交换活动被扼杀。
- "In principle, the modern university values nothing more than the free exchange of ideas necessary for the pursuit of knowledge" (Eloise Salholz). “原则上,现代大学并不比追求知识所必需的概念的自由交换更有价值” (埃路易斯·萨尔荷斯)。
- In the part of transit assignment, transit exchange area is introduced and capacity restriction method is improved to accord with passenger travel behavior. 在公交客流分配部分,引入公交换乘区域,改进了容量限制分配法,使之更符合乘客的出行策略。
- Maybe the final goal of this knottiness is to realize the free exchange of RMB’s capital account.There are five chapters in this article. 而对于希望从根本上遏制中国经济发展的美国来说,加速实现人民币资本项目的自由兑换,从根本上改变中国政府对人民币汇率的控制能力,才是其最终目标。
- But cyberspace is a far more meritocratic environment -- the free exchange of ideas can take place regardless of institutional affiliation. 但是网络空间是一个靠实力说话的环境,自由的思想交流并不因体制性约定而停止。”
- Criminally punishing someone for promoting the free exchange of information and knowledge for academic and educational purposes is immoral and socially destructive. 有人为了学术和教育目的而促进资讯与知识的自由交流,结果被当成罪犯加以惩罚,这种对待不但是不道德的,也对社会有害。