- Starbucks isn't the only thing spreading across the European continent. 不光是星巴克咖啡屋遍布欧洲大陆。
- Jeff: Yes. In the 1880s of the 19th century,the rudiments of the automobile appeared on the European continent. 杰夫:是的,19世纪80年代,欧洲大陆出现了汽车雏形。
- Coffee first arrived on the European continent by means of Venetian trade merchants. 威尼斯商人首次将咖啡带到了欧洲大陆。
- People moved westwards across the European continent for more than seven thousand years and settled in the country. 七千多年来,人们穿越欧洲大陆向西迁移,到爱尔兰定居。
- Mid/end 1990s - Further development on the European continent (Germany, Austria, Benelux, France). 上世纪90年代中后期?扩大欧洲市场,如德国,奥地利,比利时,荷兰,卢森堡,法国等。
- Eurostar, the only train links UK and European continent, has the same customhouse as airport. 做火车从伦敦去旅游,回来一样要过海关吗?是不是跟机场差不多呢?
- And although some of the biggest countries of the European continent are stagnating, others are doing quite nicely. 换而言之,他们没有根据情况的发展变化及时调整自己的行为。
- Besides, the Tweed, the Tyne, the Tees and the Thames Rivers on the east coast all face the North Sea ports on the European continent. 除此以外,东海岸的邓恩河,泰河,迪斯河和泰晤士河都面临欧洲大陆上的北海各港口。
- Much of the European continent in that area is a lowlying, soggy saucer almost like everglades, spreading over thousands of square miles. 这一地区的欧洲大陆,大部分是低洼潮湿的盆地,简直象沼泽,伸展几千平方英里。
- In a speech earlier this week, President Putin said the anti-missile plan could turn the European continent into a "powder keg. 在本周早些时候发表的讲话中,普京总统表示美国的导弹防御系统将可能会让欧洲大陆变成“火药桶”。
- And what sort of understanding and impressions do we in Taiwan have of these young folks on the periphery of the European continent? 位于欧陆边陲的瑞典青少年,我们对其有著怎样的了解与想像?
- Old English,or Anglo-Saxon,was a mix of the dialects brought from the European continent to Britain by some old Germanic tribes,the Angles,the Saxons,the Jutes and the Frisians. 古英语,也叫盎格鲁撒克逊语,是欧洲大陆一些古日耳曼部族(盎格尔人、撒克逊人、朱特人和弗里斯人)陆续迁移到不列颠岛,带来的各自的方言融合而成的语言。
- In the middle of the 14 th century, a terrible plague hit Europe, namely the "Black Death", which almost swept all over of the European Continent and caused a lot of death. 14世纪中叶 ,欧洲遭遇了一场可怕的大瘟疫即黑死病 ,它几乎蔓延了整个欧洲 ,造成了人口的大量死亡 ,给欧洲社会带来了重大的影响。
- History most famous Acropolis, Athens Acropolis upon a non - where not only the birthplace of democracy on the European continent, more was the European trade and cultural center. 历史上最着名的卫城,非雅典卫城莫属了,那里不但是欧洲大陆民主的发祥地,更是当时欧洲贸易和文化的中心。
- Within about two years practically the entire European continent and much of North Africa had been burned over by this disaster of apocalyptic proportions. 在大约两年内实际上整个欧洲大陆和大部分北非已经被在透过灾难性的比例的这个灾难上方烧毁。
- "I think that it is very peculiar that Europe is silently following the arrival of a new era of deployment of foreign soldiers on the European continent," Fico said. 我认为欧洲沉默地来到了一个外国士兵驻扎在欧洲大陆上的新的世纪是非常特殊的。
- Called the Father of English Literature, Chaucer often traveled to the European continent as a diplomatic envoy and introduced with success into English forms and patterns of French and Italian poetry. 被称为英语文学之父的乔叟曾作为外交使臣多次赴欧陆,成功地引进了一些法、意语诗的格律和体裁。
- Called the Father of English Literature,Chaucer often traveled to the European continent as a diplomatic envoy and introduced with success into English forms and patterns of French and Italian poetry. 被称为英语文学之父的乔叟曾作为外交使臣多次赴欧陆,成功地引进了一些法、意语诗的格律和体裁。
- Nevertheless,France has in the interim lost her sovereignty over a large portion of the European continent; she has suffered two devastating invasions,and had to pay milliards of money in war contributions and indemnities. 尽管如此,法国在这一过程中却丧失了欧洲大陆很大一个地区的主权,遭到了两次破坏严重的侵略,付出的战费和赔款达数十亿法郎。
- Old English, or Anglo-Saxon, was a mix of the dialects brought from the European continent to Britain by some old Germanic tribes, the Angles, the Saxons, the Jutes and the Frisians. 古英语,也叫盎格鲁撒克逊语,是欧洲大陆一些古日耳曼部族(盎格尔人、撒克逊人、朱特人和弗里斯人)陆续迁移到不列颠岛,带来的各自的方言融合而成的语言。