- European Banking Federation 欧洲银行联合会
- European banking officials, who completely missed the depth of the crisis, still seem weirdly complacent. 要在美国听到什么像无知的德国财政部长的讽刺的话,那一定是共和党人。
- Said Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan, at the 14th Frankfurt European Banking Congress, warning that U.S. Deficits pose risk to dollar. 美联储主席格林斯潘在第14届法兰克福欧洲银行大会上发言时警告说美国的巨额赤字将会给美元造成损害。
- European banking oversight, at least of systemic institutions, should be entrusted to a Europe-wide supervisor modelled on America's FDIC. 欧洲银行业的失察,至少是系统化的体系应该信赖欧洲广泛的尽管模式高于美国的FDIC。
- Many European banks have merged in the last few years. 在过去的几年里,许多欧洲银行合并了。
- The leaders also witnessed the signing of a European Bank loan for the expansion of Beijing airport. 双方领导人还参加了欧洲银行向北京国际机场扩建项目提供贷款的协议签字仪式。
- CD stands for Certificate of Deposit, while Eurodollar means US dollar in a European bank. 朗:CD是英文中“存款单”的简称,而欧元指的是欧洲银行的美元,
- L:CD stands for Certificate of Deposit, while Eurodollar means US dollar in a European bank. 朗:CD是英文中“存款单”的简称,而欧元指的是欧洲银行的美元,
- EUROPEAN bank presentations used to be filled with graphs of assets that sloped pleasingly upward. 曾几何时,欧洲银行做陈述时,总是展示一幅幅上扬的资产曲线图,令人赏心悦目。
- The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) reckons on a 5.2% drop. 欧洲重建与发展银行估计下降值将为百分之五点九。
- The role of TFC Brokerage was very important in this deal which was arranged and structured by TFC and the lender a European bank subsidiary based in Beijing. TFC 保险顾问在这次融资扮演著很重要的角色,而 TFC 担任是次融资的安排人。是次融贷之贷款人为一家驻北京之欧洲银行。
- Dividing the world into onshore and offshore financial centres is difficult because “it is a matter of degree, not substance,” says one European bank regulator. 区分离岸和在岸金融中心非常困难,。一位欧洲银行管理者说:“这是一个“量”的问题,不是“质”的问题。”
- Most of those polled by the World Bank and European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) said they were optimistic about their children's prospects. 在欧洲复兴开发银行举行的民意调查中,多数人表示他们对子女的未来表示乐观。
- With effect Jan 07 , IBAN codes will be required for wire payments in European banks. 欲查询有关其他货币之银行帐户资料,请致电富达证券客服专线0800-00-9911。
- The bank is a ten minutes' run from the hotel. 从旅馆到银行跑步需十分钟。
- EUROPEAN bank presentations used to be filled with graphs of assets that sloped pleasingly upward. For those at the mercy of the European Commission, they now all lurch sickeningly downward. 欧洲的银行过去展现在世人眼前的似乎总是其资产曲线往右上角延伸的景象,而对于那些(因金融危机)受到欧盟委员会管制的银行,其资产曲线则是难看地向右下角倾斜。
- European banks had objected to the requirement in IAS 39 that their derivatives holdings should be carried at market or "fair" value in their accounts. IAS 39规定,银行持有的衍生产品应当以市场价格或“公平价格”入账。
- European banks, for example, began to implement Basel 2 last January, and regulators have imposed fewer restrictions on capital decreases. 例如,欧洲银行在去年一月才开始履行巴塞尔协议,并且在资本减少量上,欧洲的管理者们对此进行了宽大处理。
- As a result, when the credit markets with the United States to tighten the financial crisis, many European banks are severely underfunded. 而这次欧元区领导人可谓是打破了多年的禁忌,首次举行会晤,而且距离即将举行的欧盟首脑会议仅3天,足见形势之紧迫。
- Rain clouds are banking up. Hope they'll blow over. 雨云正在聚积起来。希望它们会散去。