- The Mediterranean Sea separates Europe and Africa. 地中海把欧洲和非洲分开。
- The Mediterranean Sea is between Europe and Africa. 地中海位于欧非两洲之间。
- The straits of Gibraltar lies between Europe and Africa. 直布罗陀海峡位于欧洲和非洲之间。
- The largest inland sea; between Europe and Africa and Asia. 最大的内陆海;在欧洲、亚洲、非洲之间。
- Action: survey unfathomable wells, Europe and Africa heliya bottom sensors to what objects. 行动:调查深不可测的井,欧非丽亚感应到井底有什么物体。
- Introduction: Upon a survey of wells, Europe and Africa heliya bottom sensors to what objects. 调查深不可测的井,欧非丽亚感应到井底有什么物体。
- Hitler led Nazi Germany and the Axis Powers in occupying most of continental Europe and parts of Asia and Africa. 希特勒领导德国纳粹以及轴心国占领了大部分欧洲大陆以及部分亚洲和非洲。
- The H5N1 strain of avian influenza mainly affects birds and has struck primarily in Asia, but it has also appeared in Europe and Africa. H5N1型禽流感病毒主要是在禽鸟身上发作,主要发生在亚洲地区,不过欧洲和非洲地区也出现了这种病毒。
- To date, the Chinese people's destinations of overseas tours have expanded from Asia's Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand to 21 countries and regions, including Europe and Africa. 现在,出境游目的地已经从最初的新、马、泰,扩展到欧洲、非洲等21个国家和地区。
- Story Background: Prices examination completed thrilling adventure trip back to the dawn of the home, wake up asleep heliya of Europe and Africa, and her father, Dr. Maikedemo. 故事背景:普莱斯考完成惊心动魄的冒险旅程后在黎明时回到住所,叫醒睡梦中的欧非丽亚和她的父亲迈克德莫博士。
- It is estimated that approximately 87% of Australia's rainfall is lost through evaporation, compared with just over 60% in Europe and Africa and 48% in North America. 据估计澳大利亚降鱼量大约有87%25是蒸发所失,欧洲和非洲是60%25,北美是48%25。
- Mat-forming lithophytic or terrestrial fern with creeping rootstocks and large pinnatifid fronds found throughout North America and Europe and Africa and east Asia. 垫子形状的石生或陆地上的蕨类植物,有爬行的根茎和大的羽状半裂的叶子,主要分布在北美洲、欧洲、非洲和东亚。
- Pulis reckons Wenger's way is now being followed by various other clubs after taking the long-term approach by recruiting younger players from both Europe and Africa. 普利斯认为温格长期在欧洲和非洲的国土上挖掘出天才少年的做法让其他球队纷纷效仿。
- Western Europe and North America have witnessed a minimum rate of growth in the Asia-Pacific, Eastern Europe, South America, Middle East and Africa is the highest. 西欧和北美见证了最低的增长率,亚太,东欧,南美,中东和非洲则最高。
- Since Europe and Africa are connected not only by an unfortunate past but also by a complex present of trade, aid and migration, there is naturally plenty for the two groups of leaders to discuss. 由于欧洲和非洲两洲无论是在令人遗憾的过去上,还是在贸易,援助和移民这一复杂的现实上都有密不可分的关系,两联盟首脑理所当然地要多次磋商一下。
- It owes debts not only to the countries of Latin America, Asia and Africa, but also to the countries of Europe and Oceania. The whole world, Britain included dislikes the United States. 欠中南美国家、亚非国家的账,还欠欧洲、大洋洲国家的账,全世界,包括英国在内,都不喜欢美国。
- Introduction: Story Background: Play will be held on schedule, Europe and Africa heliya performances were very successful. Wonderful music will be all the audience present deep admiration. 故事背景:演奏会如期举行,欧非丽亚的演出十分成功,美妙的音乐将所有在场的观众深深的折服。
- EMEA is very important to AMD and they get a lot of its revenue out of this subdivided and territorially challenging place called Europe and middle east and Africa tend to earn a buck or two. EMEA地区是非常重要的AMD和他们得到了很多的收入出于这一细分和领土具有挑战性的地方,所谓的欧洲和中东和非洲的倾向赚取推卸责任或2 。
- We make BIBLE skateboard for the global market including Asia, North America, Europe and Africa . The company has advanced production technology, scientific management, and an experienced sales team. 我们bible滑板,为全球市场,包括亚洲,北美洲,欧洲和非洲。公司拥有先进的生产技术,科学的管理,以及一个经验丰富的销售团队。
- The aim of Rasa is to improve the quality of the products continuously.The export activities expanded in two yeas and now the company has a customer portfolio in America, Europe and Africa. 公司的目标是持续提高产品的质量,目前产品销售领域已扩展到美洲、欧洲、非洲等地。