- Europe Against Drugs 欧洲禁止麻醉药品组织
- They took a firm stand against drugs in the school. 他们坚决反对校园吸毒现象。
- Thanks for Prohibition and the war against drugs. 感谢禁酒令和与毒品之战。
- The fight against drug abuse goes on. 反对吸毒的斗争在继续。
- Do all the churchmen preached against drug taking? 所有的教会人士都竭力反对吸毒吗?
- The police always fight against drug trafficking. 警察总是会与毒品走私做斗争。
- Do all the churchmen preached against drug taking ? 所有的教会人士都竭力反对吸毒吗?
- The government went on the warpath against drug traffickers. 政府对贩卖毒品的人采取了打击的态度。
- Little progress has been made in the war against drug traffickers. 打击贩毒分子的斗争无甚进展。
- A new battle against drugs on the borders has started. 边境线上,毒品封禁的新一轮战役再次打响。
- Globalisation started long before enlargement, but enlargement has crystallised public fears about it, often setting one corner of Europe against another. 在扩大以前很久,全球化就开始,但扩大使公众对全球化的恐惧清晰可见,常常欧盟内部出现一方反对另一方。
- The police have launched a major operation against drug suppliers. 警方发动了一次打击毒贩的大规模行动。
- The scholarly German appeared to be the ideal choice to shore up an ancient ideal of a Christian, humanist Europe against the challenges posed by secularism. 学术德国似乎是理想的选择来实现基督教古老的理想,学术德国似乎就是人道主义的欧洲来因对世俗挑战。
- Mount intelligence-led operations against drug traffickers. 以情报为主导的行动打击毒贩。
- The government is very much on the offensive in the fight against drugs. 在反毒品斗争中,政府一直主动出击。
- It's time to stand up and be counted in the fight against drugs and vice. 是站起来加入反对毒品与罪恶的斗争的时候了。
- The great achievements of modern America's foreign policy are the democratisation of Germany and Japan after the second world war and the defence of democratic Europe against Soviet totalitarianism. 二战之后,美国的国际政策有两大成就。其一是对德国与日本成功实行了民主化,其二是保护了欧洲的民主阵营国家免受苏联极权主义的侵害。
- Microsoft will today launch a series of lawsuits in the US and Europe against “cybersquatters”, and will urge other companies to help tackle what it says is a growing problem on the internet. 微软(Microsoft)将于今日针对“域名抢注”(cybersquatting)在欧美提起一系列诉讼,同时还将督促其它公司帮助解决这一互联网问题。微软表示,该问题正变得日益猖獗。
- Our campaign against drug abuse is supported by the medical profession. 我们反对滥用毒品的运动得到了医学界的支持。
- He flew to Europe via the North Pole. 他经由北极飞到欧洲。