- Ethnic Language Policy 民族语文政策
- There is no history of the Dulong ethnic language. 独龙族历史上没有本民族的文字。
- Take Taiwanese language policy for example. 就以台湾的语言政策来说。
- In multiethnic countries, establish an appropriate language policy. 在多民族的国家中制定正确的民族语言政策。
- Measures and conditions need to be set to ensure that the promotion of an ethnic language and cultivation of a cultural elite do not lead to ethnic chauvinism. 我们应该制定一些步骤与条件,确保提倡族群语言及培养文化精英不会导致种族沙文主义的出现。
- Language policy refers to language planning with legal or regulatory force. 语言政策是指具有法律、法令或政令形式的语言规划。
- So while English is the dominant language,it has not taken up the space of Singaporeans who take pride in their own ethnic language and culture. 所以英文作为新加坡的优势语文,并没有剥夺不同种族的新加坡人提倡与发展本族语文与文化的空间。
- Chinese-educated Singaporeans have been wavering Between optimism and pessimism about the future of their ethnic language and culture. 在新加坡,受华文教育者对文化前景的看法,时而悲观,时而乐观。
- So while English is the dominant language, it has not taken up the space of Singaporeans who take pride in their own ethnic language and culture. 所以英文作为新加坡的优势语文,并没有剥夺不同种族的新加坡人提倡与发展本族语文与文化的空间。
- It's yet another modification that the government's made in its language policy for schools. 这是政府给予学校的语文政策另一项修改。
- Language policy and language planning(LPP) is an indispensable section in sociolinguistics. 语言政策和语言规划是社会语言学研究的重要内容。
- Only after further inquiry did I discover that this is a national public education language policy. 经查问,方知这是其公共教育的一项语言政策。
- In Singapore Chinese-educated Singaporeans have been wavering between optimism and pessimism about the future of their ethnic language and culture. To some extent,this has been influenced by experts' views on China's economic growth. 在新加坡,受华文教育者对文化前景的看法,时而悲观,时而乐观这与专家对中国经济展望的看法不无关系。
- Afterward, Britain colonizes the government in India to start to formulate the language policy promotion English. 随后,英国在印度的殖民政府开始制定语言政策推广英语。
- Chinese-educated Singaporeans have been wavering between optimism and pessimism about the future of their ethnic language and culture. To some extent,this has been influenced by experts'views on China's economic growth. 在新加坡,受华文教育者对文化前景的看法,时而悲观,时而乐观,这与专家对中国经济展望的看法不无关系。
- In Singapore Chinese-educated Singaporeans have been wavering between optimism and pessimism about the future of their ethnic language and culture. To some extent, this has been influenced by experts' views on China's economic growth. 在新加坡,受华文教育者对文化前景的看法,时而悲观,时而乐观这与专家对中国经济展望的看法不无关系。
- Language planning and language policy (LPLP for short) is relatively young as a field of formal academic study, dating roughly from the 1960s. 语言规划和语言政策作为学术领域的研究大体是从二十世纪六十年代开始的。
- Chinese-educated Singaporeans have been wavering between optimism and pessimism about the future of their ethnic language and culture. To some extent, this has been influenced by experts' views on China's economic growth. 在新加坡,受华文教育者对文化前景的看法,时而悲观,时而乐观,这与专家对中国经济展望的看法不无关系。
- In the opinion of some Singaporeans,we have not been able to manage the language issue well because of the strong political flavour of our language policy. 此外,一些国人认为,我们搞不好语文,与语文政策的政治色彩太强有关系。
- While in the process of blending with different cultures of other nationalities, bilingual or multilingual education modes of ethnic languages will surely play an important role. 而在不同民族文化的交流过程中,双语甚至多语的民族语文教育模式,必将起到极其重要的促进作用。