- Ether Pro Narcosi 麻醉乙醚, 麻醉醚, 麻醉依打, 二乙醚, 乙醚[吸入麻醉药]
- A whiff of ether will put you out in a few seconds. 一剂乙醚几秒钟后就会使你失去知觉。
- aether pro narcosi 麻醉乙醚
- This arrangement will have to do pro tem. 暂时只好这样安排。
- chloroformum pro narcosi 麻醉氯仿
- Much has been written on the subject pro and con. 对那问题已有很多赞成和反对的文章。
- aethylenum pro narcosi [医] 麻醉用乙烯
- pro narcosi 麻醉用
- Today's news goes into the ether and is soon forgotten. 今天的新闻广播听後不久即置於脑後了。
- It was once believed that light waves traveled through the ether. 人们曾经相信光波在以太中穿过。
- We must be fair and consider the reason pro and con. 我们必须公平考虑赞成和反对的理由。
- Ether was used formerly to put a patient to sleep before an operation. 从前人们在手术前用乙醚来使病人昏睡。
- We must consider the reasons pro and con. 我们必须考虑正反两方面的理由。
- The hospital smelled of formaldehyde and ether. 医院里充满甲醛和乙醚的味道。
- She read the declaration aloud pro bono publico. 为了大家的便利,她将宣言高声读了一遍。
- He went off at the first whiff of ether. 他一吸入醚就失去知觉。
- We only supply that account on pro forma. 就估价单找我们只能供给那样的帐单。
- Jack aced the club pro three times. 杰克3次发球赢那位俱乐部职业选手3分。
- We considered the pro and con arguments. 我们考虑了正反两方面的议论。
- He lost consciousness at the first whiff of ether. 他一嗅到乙醚便失去了知觉。