- Etamiphyllin Heparinate 二乙氨乙茶碱肝素
- Heparin is the treatment of choice. 肝素为首选的治疗剂。
- Human heparin sulphate protoglycans,HSPG Elisa ... 人硫酸肝素糖蛋白(HSPG)试剂盒;
- Heparin is not intended for intramuscular use. 肝素是不打算肌肉注射使用。
- Heparin is the most widely used and reliable anticoagulant. 肝素为最广泛应用及最可靠的抗凝剂。
- To discuss the nursing maneuver of hemodialysis without heparin. 目的探讨无肝素血液透析的护理策略。
- Baxter accounts for about half the U.S. supply of heparin. 巴克斯证实大约一半肝磷脂由美国供应。
- Exceptio include phenytoin, theophylline, and heparin. 只有苯妥英、茶碱和肝素是例外。
- Exceptions include phenytoin, theophylline, and heparin. 只有苯妥英、茶碱和肝素是例外。
- All cases received heparin and urokinase perioperatively. 围手术期抗凝治疗。
- The results suggest that heparin could interrupt AGE clearance... 低分子量肝素对AGE受体无封闭作用。
- Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia occurring after discontinuation of heparin. 肝素停药后发生的肝素相关性血小板减少。
- Serum phosphate levels were elevated throughout the heparin calcium therapy. 整个肝素钙治疗过程中,患者的血磷水平都升高。
- The penetration rates of MPS were between 6 and 50 times of those of heparin. MPS(多磺酸粘多糖)的透皮吸率是肝素的6-50倍。
- Conclusion Heparin could make PLT and MPV decreased, especially in UFH group. 结论肝素抗凝可致PLT及MPV下降,UFH尤其显著;
- Objective: To discuss the nursing maneuver of hemodialysis without heparin. 目的探讨无肝素血液透析的护理策略。
- The heparin plant in China has not been accused of providing a harmful product. 中国的肝磷脂工厂没有被指责提供有害的产品。
- As with most medications, heparin has a significant side effect profile. 正如大部份的药品一样,它也有一些重要的副作用。
- Heparin Sodium Injection, USP is not a catheter lock-flush solution product. 肝素钠注射液,美国药典不是导管锁定冲水解决方案的产品。
- Would he become a “fan” of metamucil heparin and the Kiwanis Club? 他会成为美达施[3]、肝磷脂和基瓦尼俱乐部[4]的会员吗?