- The analysis of the performance characteristic and the function of the quack doctors is helpful to obtain more esthetic experience. 分析庸医们的表演特点及其功能,有助于观赏者获得更多的审美体验。
- In these poems, both has the poetics to advocate is clear about the indication, and has writes poetry the esthetic experience rich record. 在这些诗作中,既有诗学主张的明确表述,又有作诗审美经验的丰富记载。
- To me these are not aesthetic experiences at all. 以我之见,这些根本称不上审美体验。
- The anticipation field of vision, the esthetic experience, the readers participate in, the second text and so on accepts esthetics concept introduction thought political education. 把期待视野、审美经验、读者参与、第二文本等接受美学概念引入思想政治教育,能增强思想政治教育的接受效果。
- The highest aesthetic experience comes from art so powerful that it can move one to forget that one is aesthetically confronting an art form. 最高层次的审美体验来自于富有强烈感染力的艺术,其震撼力能使人忘记自已正以审美的眼光面对着一种艺术形式。
- This being said, I believe that the highest aesthetic experience has the exact opposite effect from that of Cage's and Magritte's work. 至此,我认为最高层次的审美体验具有与凯奇和马格里特作品截然不同的效果。
- In moments of intense aesthetic experience to resist the suggestion that we are catching a glimpse of a light that shines down to us. 在强烈感受美的时刻都不禁联想到: 我们似乎瞥见射向我们的一线光芒
- As we exam their structure and content, we will find that we are acquiring a new and first-rate aesthetic experience. 当我们研究它们的结构和内容时,会感到在获得一种新的、一流的美好体验。
- I believe the Shakespearean play interpreted with the Vietnamese would offer us a brand-new aesthetic experience. 相信这出为越南母语来演绎的莎士比亚名剧,会给我们一种全新审美体验。
- Speaking of Art as Embodied Imagination: A Multisensory Approach to Understanding Aesthetic Experience. 话说艺术被作为实现的赋予想像力的形体:对瞭解审美经验的一种多重感觉的方法。
- This must be the most aesthetic experience of the year - with Sweden's saltiest dancers. 与最具风情的瑞典舞者们一起,这一定是本年度最具有审美价值的体验。
- The programme describes the aesthetic experience conjured up by these transmogrified icons of high and low culture. 这次展览通过呈现对雅文化和俗文化标志性图标进行变形,让参观者获得审美上的体验。
- Reading Meaningful Commodities immortal works, through the master strokes, the realm of aesthetic experience. 品读隽永不朽的作品,透过名家笔触,感受唯美的境界。
- As a result,it can be seen that synaesthesia is a deeper aesthetic experience pursued by modernist poets. 在内心生活的向度,这种深度经验是来自对无意识领域的探索;
- The abstractness of theory is bound to be hostile to the aesthetic experience in reading. 理论的抽象性决定了它必然与阅读过程中的审美体验为敌。
- There is an affinity between these factors and whether the audience could obtain a aesthetical experience and pleasure. 通过研究它们形成的特点及规律,我们获得很多关于音乐欣赏教学的启发。
- This being said,I believe that the highest aesthetic experience has the exact opposite effect from that of Cage's and Magritte's work. 至此,我认为最高层次的审美体验具有与凯奇和马格里特作品截然不同的效果。
- But I could not do the work of writing a book, or even a long magazine article, if it were not also an aesthetic experience. 然而,写作必须同时又是一种美感经验。否则,我就无法完成著书的工作,甚至连一篇长篇的报刊文章都写不成。
- The Artistic Esthetic Experience Is the Most Basic Esthetic Fact 艺术审美经验是最基本的审美事实
- In the aesthetic domain, the synaesthetic image, as a novel metaphorical image, provides much food for the subject's aesthetic experience. 在美学的范畴里,通感意象作为一种新颖的隐喻意象丰富了主体的审美体验;